Chapter 89

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A few days have passed, the squad of mystics that have laid their eyes upon the bandit queens lair have retuned from the scouting mission and returned to lord Jinzha. As they entered the room in their hideout they all went to one knee and bowed their head in respect.

'Lord Jinzha we have returned.' One of them stated as soon as the door was shut behind them. Jinzha got up from his chair and walked around the table and stood in front of them. He glanced at both of them before replying.

'I thought I sent three of you, where is Tusca?' He questioned them. They both looked at each other nervously, not daring to look at lord Jinzha's face as they reported to him.

'He...was slain my lord. A member of the frogs ambushed us and Tusca was a victim, we took care of the assassin and we made sure that he was buried honourably. We can confirm there is no one else who knows the bandit queens lair my lord.' The one on the right called Grus responded. Lord Jinzha scowled at this news, damn that blasted frog, wanting her vengeance. He's lost half of the people that were loyal to him. He knew he didn't have many soldiers, the ones he did have were loyal and strong. He never expected to lose half of them without getting into an actual battle with the serpent herself. However he kept his composure and calm demeanour though for how long is another question. He knew time was running out faster than expected.

'Where is this lair then? I hope his sacrifice wasn't in vain.' Jinzha replied.

'Its located south east, hidden in the mountains with various watchtowers on the path there. The serpent's forces are there though we could not risk getting closer inside the perimeter to get their exact number due to their large watch boar catching our scent.' Lyra reported.

'That is fine, we cannot afford to wait around for Zhang Yan to prepare his primitive war machines. Go to the fields south of here and prepare the amalgamation ritual. You'll find Luna there, I sent her ahead just before you arrived. You will get a thousand. That should be more than sufficient.' Both Lyra and Grus looked at each other with shocked expressions.

'My lord, is that the best choice of action?'

'Are you questioning my decision?' He asked abruptly. Both of them lowered their heads.

'Of course not my lord. Its just that such a ritual may attract unwanted attention is all and you seemed to be adamant on no one finding us.'

'Do you not think I know that!?' He retorted as he raised his voice, both Lyra and Grus cowered at his unusual violent behaviour. After seeing this he sighed as he put his right hand on his head as he shook it.

'Forgive me, it is a rather unusual predicament we're in and I fear it has impacted me more than I initially thought. I am aware the ritual will draw some unwanted attention but they're closing in naturally as we speak. The longer we wait, the less time we have until they all gather around that blasted serpent and finish her before us. And depending on who does it, it could mean disaster for the mystic realm.' He explained calmly after clearing his head a bit as he paced backwards and forwards.

'Of course my lord, but what if this siege fails? Won't that mean we have even less time?' Lyra responded. Jinzha glanced at her from the corner of his eyes, the very sight of the noble Jinzha looking annoyed at her intimidated both of them.

'Yes, which is precisely why we will not fail, do I make myself clear?'

'Yes, lord Jinzha.' Both of them stated.

'Good, go to the south and prepare for the ritual, I'll talk to the fool Zhang yan and grant us the proper amount of sacrifices necessary.' Lyra and Grus immediately rushed to their feet and sprinted out of their hideout to meet with Luna. Jinzha sighed again, he didn't think this would take a toll on him as much as it has. He needs to finish this quickly for the sake of everyone. He made his way to the main hall of Zhang Yan surrounded by various officials and warriors while he sits on a throne, eating an apple. The bickering with the officials and warriors turned silent as soon as Jinzha appeared in the main hall.

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