Chapter 26

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Cao Cao's ambush party set up on the path to Xu Province and begin preparations for battle. They split their forces into two. One to hold them at the back gate of Dingtao castle on higher ground with more archers which left recently. While the other hide in the forest to ambush them on all sides. The force hiding in the forest finish their preparations and are just idling around until they can see the enemy army. A few of them huddled around a campfire roasting the leg of a cow over it.

'So when do you think they'll show up?' One soldier asked another as they were lying in wait.

'Hopefully never and they'll all get riddled with arrows.' The other one replied.

'Argh that's boring though!' He moans in frustration.

'Whether it's boring or not it's what we're ordered to do. Or if you'd prefer you could disobey them and get executed.'

'Yeah yeah I's just I signed up to fight for lord Cao Cao not stand around is all.'

'Remember, no matter how lowly your orders may be they're all important and as a result every single soldier is important.'

'Yeah yeah I heard the damn speeches when we signed up. By the way where's Ping? he's been gone a while.'

'I heard he went hunting for special game he saw nearby. Said something about a wild large Ox or something roaming around here.' Another soldier answered opposite the other two.

'Oh of course he went hunting at this time.'

'It'll be fine they'll be a while till they get here anyway so we got time to kill.' All of a sudden everyone starts to feel the ground rumble every now and again almost to the pattern of footsteps with various soldiers stumbling over as a result.

'Woah is this an earthquake...right now of all times!?' One questioned.

'Don't tell me the earth is going to swallow us whole!? I can't die like this!' Another exclaimed.

'Calm down all of you!' The rumbling suddenly ceases as all of them stand up looking at the ground around them.

'See nothing to worry about at-' He was suddenly interrupted a pair of legs flying at him with such speed he's knocked unconscious. The soldiers stand up in shock.

'What the!?' One shouted before being interrupted by a large club flattening him. Gyuki emerges from the trees surprising everyone. The other soldier attempts to run away however Gyuki quickly catches him. He screams for a few seconds before being silenced as he was devoured from the waist up. Gyuki discards the legs to the side. The unconscious soldier manages to wake up and immediately screams before being stepped on like a bug. Various soldiers ran up to Gyuki with spears and tried to jab him in the legs or his abdomen however he was so intimidating they stayed as far back as possible and instead use the spears to attempt to shoo him off it seems. Gyuki swats them away with ease like mere insects, sending them flying with such force they died upon impact. Whether it be against the trees or the ground or even each other, in some cases their bodies were torn apart by the pure strength of Gyuki's simple swing.

More soldiers lunged forwards towards Gyuki with weapons drawn. Gyuki raises his club vertically in the air. He suddenly crashes the club down to the ground as the soldier in the front is close enough. The torso was flattened and the impact the club had as it made contact with the ground created a dust storm strong enough to blow them away and smack them in nearby trees or on the ground. Gyuki raises his club and walks over to them one by one and crushes them with his club. His strength made the trees fall to the ground with a single blow to finish off the enemies. Some of them would scream, some of them were unconscious and some grovelled and begged for mercy. It mattered little to Gyuki because they would dare to harm Mitsuko the lady he serves loyally. That to Gyuki is a death sentence.

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