Chapter 83

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A/N: So just a disclaimer this chapter does reference suicide and self harm, if you are affected I thought I'd point out, I don't know if the content warrants it but its better to be safe than sorry. There will be a little bit of a gap for before and after the references to that so you can avoid reading if you wish. Also I will post my discord server on my profile so if you wanna join that you can, it's a little barebones at the moment due to the fact that...well I don't know how many people are going to join or what would be good. But you can chat with me on there, ask me questions, even check out some of my other work and ideas. With that said, on with the chapter.

Dodomeki eventually opened his eye slowly. He felt his body become far more stiff than he's used to. His muscles ache tremendously and found it a real struggle just to get up. As he sat up he realised he's stuck in a basic bed. His stomach especially in immense pain and he groaned while he clutched to it as he sat up. He glanced down to see wounds bandaged by various rags. The glare from the sun peeked through the open hole in the wall temporarily blinding him as he looked at it, surprised by the sunshine and quickly blocks it with one of his hands. He wondered how he got here. The last thing he remembered was night and he was...wait the mystic!? What happened!? At that time Mitsuko walked in as she opened the door. She sighed a breath of relief as she saw him awake.

'Hey you're finally awake. I was starting to get a little worried about you. You wouldn't believe how frantic Gyuki was acting.' She chuckled as she pulled up a chair and sat on it next to Dodomeki's bed.

'Lady Mitsuko, do forgive me. I will ugh-' Dodomeki groaned as he tried to escape his bed. Mitsuko quickly laid him down.

'Hey, take it easy. You were pretty banged up when we found you. If you didn't regenerate you would've surely been a goner you know.' Mitsuko stated. Dodomeki still clenched his stomach as he sat up while he looked at Mitsuko. Her serpent arms resting their heads on her knees.

'Where am I?'

'Back at the city, we found you quite a way from the village badly hurt. We managed to take care of you by bandaging you up anyway we can but it wasn't like we could do anything about it. As I said, your regeneration pretty much saved you but you still needed time to fully recover to 100%. Gyuki carried you on his back all the way, he didn't want to give you up when we arrived in the city but he knew he had to. He'll be pleased to hear you're awake.'

'Do not worry, I will tell him not to worry myself.' Dodomeki stated as he tried to get back up again however Mitsuko prevented him from getting up by blocking him with her serpent heads who hiss at him. Nevertheless, he still struggled to get back up on his feet. Adamant that he is fine.

'Just because you've awoken doesn't mean you're ready to walk like nothing happened, you have to rest.'

'B-but I can't. I can't rest yet. I still have things I must do.' Dodomeki protested frantically, trying to make Mitsuko see sense though she could not understand it.

'What are you talking about? You can get your vengeance later if that's what you're worried about.' Mitsuko replied, trying to talk some sense into him. He never been so persistent before.

'No that's not it, but I need to be active. I cannot sit by and do nothing.' He stated as he tried to push Mitsuko's serpent arms away from him as he sat up. He groaned in pain but he soldiered on. Mitsuko didn't know what was bothering him but now is the time she's determined to get it out of him.

'Dodomeki!' she yelled as she smacks her head against his golden helmet. Silence now filled the room as the metallic thud echoed in Dodomeki's ears. Realising the errors of his ways. He felt so ashamed of going against his lady's wishes. He just...he didn't know what to do. He felt so defeated lying here, not able to do anything. Mitsuko grabbed both sides of his helmet with her serpent heads as they clutched on to the helmet with their mouths.

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