Chapter 5

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A few days had passed during her travels towards Chang Sha accompanying Sun Jian. She was still kind of wary about him still thinking if he was really that kind or if he had some other agenda on his mind. She kept to herself for the entire trip as she had trouble socialising with people. The army reached Chang Sha by nightfall on the third day and Mitsuko was blown away by the scale of the city, this was her first time seeing a city from this time period. The city was surrounded by a wall with a huge gate for entering and exiting the city. There were various buildings with various sizes from simple stalls to the castle near the end of the city which to Mitsuko was as tall as a skyscraper. The city itself was low in activity with only a few people walking around in simple clothing who greeted Sun Jian and his soldiers as they passed them. The soldiers started to disperse as they entered the city and relaxed, soon only Sun Jian and Mitsuko remained. Sun Jian dismounted his horse as one of his stable boys came and handled it towards the stables. Sun Jian stands in front of Mitsuko who doesn't have any idea where to go as she seems to be overwhelmed with size and scale of everything.

'How do you like Chang Sha my lady?' Mitsuko snaps out of her day dream state.

'Oh it's a magnificent city my lord!' She bowed with her hand in her palm looking slightly flustered.

'Aha i'm glad you think so snakelet, if you would like to follow me my lady.' He started to walk away as Mitsuko starts to accompany him.

They walked for about ten minutes as Mitsuko was thinking where he was taking her. They stop at a small house of some kind with smoke coming out from a chimney of some sorts, Sun Jian enters the building with Mitsuko closely behind him. She found herself in a small room with various blocks of metal scattered around the floor, she also saw a couple of anvils around however the thing that caught her eye first was the massive forge. The majority of it was built in the wall however there was a small compartment accompanied by a small door. In the room was quite an old man wearing simple clothing with a small vertical scar near his left eye. He looks up and is surprised to see Sun Jian enter.

'Ah my lord I wasn't expecting you to return.'

'Aha did you think some rebels were more than enough for me?'

'No of course not my lord I just didn't expect you back so soon welcome back!' He replied, his voice was a little shaky while Sun Jian laughed heartedly in response.

'Do not worry I only jest Ling Chao, however I have a request for you should you choose to accept it.' He nods happily in response.

'Oh of course I'd be more than happy to help you my lord.' He then turns to Mitsuko who hasn't said a word yet.

'Hello there I'm sorry as you can see we are closed and i'm entertaining our lord do come back tomorrow to pick up your husband's weapon' He tells her as Sun Jian shakes his head.

'No you misunderstand she's here because her fangs need to be sharpened and I brought her here since I thought you could help, there isn't a problem is there?' He questions as the blacksmith seemed taken aback by this and quickly shakes his head while waving his hands.

'Oh no of course not! If you pass your blade over here I can improve it in the next day my most humble apologies.' Mitsuko doesn't respond as she passes over the blade. The blacksmith examines the scythe and looked rather confused.

'This is a rather unusual weapon to handle are you sure a simple blade will work for you?' Sun Jian shakes his head again.

'She's a snake so only these fangs will do, If you cannot do it I will find someone else who can.'

'Oh no my lord I can definitely do it however it will take a little longer roughly about 2 days. Come back then my lady your weapon will be much improved.' He replied as he bows with his palm in his hand, Mitsuko responded by doing the same. She left alongside Sun Jian.

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