Chapter 73

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As the sun started to peek over mountain tops the army woke up and started to pack up the camp while Mitsuko and her officers consult with each other at the foot of the forest whispering to each other out of the earshot of the common soldiers.

'Alright, looks like we'll have to go through the forest to get to her hideout but we can't just march our whole army in there.' Mitsuko stated.

'Agreed, they are bandits defending their territory after all. They normally adopt a "shoot arrows first, ask questions later" kind of approach. Can't say it doesn't work considering what they do. But we do need to scout out the forest for any potential ambushes.' Pang Tong suggested.

'In that case, allow me to scout the forest, I am the fastest after all.' Dodomeki volunteered.

'I should also go with him.' Mitsuko replied.

'My lady, with all due respect I do not think it may be necessary.' Dodomeki insisted.

'Why not? Two's better than one and besides if there are bandits there someone's got to try and talk sense into them and show them we don't want to kill them.'

'That is a valid point, plus they may be aware of you anyway Mitsuko so you could potentially draw them out of the shadows. Sometimes they can get careless.' Pang Tong explained.

'Wait, are you suggesting she goes out there alone? Even with Dodomeki aiding her, he's only one against who knows how many are lurking in the forest.'

'Don't underestimate me.' Dodomeki stated simply as he looked at LingQi who didn't break away from his gaze. Though eventually she noticed something with that stare, she couldn't pinpoint it but something was different about his gaze than what she was used to. He seemed...defeated. His eye eventually breaking away as he grunted.

'It could be useful this way, after all. Bandits are a people that value strength. If our lady walks in, seemingly alone when they should be aware of the army behind her. The fact she's willing to walk alone shows the fearlessness they can respect and admire. It may be wise to play on that particular aspect if we are to get on their good side.' Pang Tong advised as he chuckled.

'Are you sure this is best course of action lady Mitsuko?' Diamondback enquired.

'Well Pang Tong makes sense, plus I'm sure Dodomeki wouldn't mind some company every now and again right?' Mitsuko glances at Dodomeki whose gaze returned to the ground.

'As you wish my lady.' Dodomeki stated before he leaps up in to the forest immediately and disappear into the trees.

'Well, someone's very eager aren't they?' Pang Tong chuckled. As Mitsuko started to walk in, LingQi couldn't help but reach out and grab her wrist. She was surprised and gave her a startled look.

'Are you sure this is wisest course of action? The rest of us won't be able to assist you if you run into any trouble.' LingQi looked at her with a worried stare.

'Don't worry, I'll be fine. I know you don't like him but he's trustworthy and is a good warrior. Between the two of us, we can dispatch a few pesky bandits.' Mitsuko gave her a confident smile as LingQi lets go, everything within her wanted to travel along with her, however she reluctantly let her go.

Mitsuko started to traverse the forest while constantly looking around, trying to hear for any sudden movements from the darkness that she can't gaze through. If she did hear anything it was one or two branches creaking followed by a quick blur that was Dodomeki. The snakes were also on guard, quietly hissing threateningly as if trying to ward away any enemies, lurking behind the shadows, waiting to strike. The only other consistent sound that Mitsuko could hear would be her metallic armour and her boots being planted into the ground with each step.

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