Chapter 104

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The next morning the army woke up at the crack of dawn making preparations for the siege. The sun was just starting to peek from the horizon as the majority of the army started to wake. Mitsuko also did the same as she sent scouts to cover the perimeter of the castle looking for any noticeable weak points. LingQi and Diamondback made sure the troops were alert for any sudden attacks made by Zhang Yan. Gyuki went off in search of ammunition to use for the catapults. Dodomeki and Pang Tong has yet to report back to her, she hopes they're ok. Especially Dodomeki. As she waited, she took a walk around the camp acting as if she was an inspector when in reality, she just wanted to see what everyone was doing. When the troops spotted her, they immediately saluted her and righted her out of respect. She nodded, acknowledging their presence before walking away. Some breathed a sigh of relief, fearing they would anger her in some way, as they learned they do not want to make the serpent furious.

The officers also did the same, Mitsuko despite everything wasn't quite used to being bowed to and respected like an authority figure. Especially from her officers. It wasn't like she didn't like it but it did Particularly from LingQi, despite how far they come together it did feel there was a certain...barrier around them, though she didn't know why. It's not like LingQi or any of her officers were doing anything wrong but she couldn't quite shrug this feeling off. Luckily, she didn't have to wonder for long as Dodomeki and Pang Tong found Mitsuko in the camp and reported back. Mitsuko called a war council among the officers to join her in the main tent so everyone knows the situation. Once everyone sat down around the large wooden table Mitsuko began the war council.

'So Dodomeki, Pang Tong. What can you tell us?' Mitsuko questioned. Pang Tong pulled out a scroll of some kind and laid it out on the table. It was a sketch of the city with some buildings and the like inside.

'We managed to get a glimpse into the city itself, while not exactly easily defendable once the walls are breached, they still seem to have quite a large number of troops available at their command. They also seem to have quite the stockpile of supplies. If they were to ration these supplies, they could run out in roughly 3 months which also includes the citizens which they seem to be recruiting as a militia. We also spotted a few siege engines of their own being constructed, if they are allowed to be constructed and used against us, we would be at even more of a disadvantage than we already are.' Pang Tong stated.

'Their morale from what i witnessed seem to be quite high despite the setbacks, the walls make them feel safe as well as their numbers which they outnumber us roughly 5 to one however they don't seem to be well trained. Still, a head on assault would be risky. Once we breach the gate, we can be caught in a three pronged attack which can cause us some hefty losses if we don't plan for it.'

'Tch, it seems that this Zhang Yan knows how to hide and cower well.' LingQi replied. Not impressed by their defensive position.

'The same could be said for our so-called ally.' Diamondback stated coldly.

'That can't be helped. If our ally doesn't want to help then this castle will be ours, no use complaining about them or their absence.' Mitsuko responded. Preferring to not bring up Zheng Jiang as she still wasn't sure of how best to deal with her after all this.

'Of course, my apologies my lady. Though with the number of troops they have, perhaps a pincer attack could work with one side taking the east and one side taking the west with one catapult each.' Diamondback answered.

'A nice idea however it is too risky given the number of troops we currently have. While half of us are travelling they can easily sally forth and outnumber them.' Pang Tong shook his head.

'So, we can't split up in a pincer attack but if we attack head on we'll be outnumbered and more than likely outranged.' Mitsuko voiced her thoughts to herself as she stroked her chin with her right serpent jaw. Suddenly she had an idea.

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