Chapter 87

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A few days have passed since Lu Zheng pleaded with Mitsuko to aid her sworn sister. As expected, she received an invitation from Zheng Jiang about a feast to celebrate their newfound alliance that night. Her officers were also invited though Dodomeki and Gyuki were not able to attend. They formally arrived at the main palace and was surprised to see it look...presentable. It was cleaned up, all the furniture and the torn up banners were replaced with the bandit queens colours. Each of the new tables were fitted with various cloths and bowls of food along with alcohol along with various servants carrying trays around showcasing them. They saw that quite a few people turned up, dressed as nice as they could, though their attire was still mainly spartan like. Which was more than what Mitsuko and her officers could bring, they just wore their usual armour as they didn't have any other attire. It was certainly livelier than what Mitsuko had envisioned.

'Well isn't this nice? And here I thought these bandits were all work and no play.' Pang Tong chuckled to himself.

'Yeah, though I don't see our host anywhere.'

'Hey you finally came. Welcome allies.' Lu Zheng announced as she greeted them individually.

'Thanks for the invitation. I'm surprised you went through so much effort for us.' Mitsuko responded.

'Ahh yes, the queen herself oversaw the renovations. It was surprising to say the least. It was about time I think, though whether or not she will keep the main hall the same is another matter.' Lu Zheng smirked behind her fan.

'Ahh yes, speaking of which where is she? I would've thought she would've been here to greet us already.' Mitsuko enquired remembering why she was here in the first place.

'She'll be here, she's just preparing to make an entrance. She shouldn't be too long. In the meantime this feast is for us all, so please do mingle the best you can.' Lu Zheng bowed her head respectfully and left them to it. They all stood around awkwardly for a moment, apart from Pang Tong who took a swing of his flask.

'Well I'll be off.' He announced.

'Wait where are you going?' Mitsuko asked.

'Mingling of course. It'd be a waste of efforts for our allies if we don't at least try after all. Besides I hear some freshly made Dim sums calling my name.' Pang Tong chuckled before disappearing among the crowd leaving the trio alone.

'I must admit my lady, occasions like this are out of my element.' Diamondback admitted.

'Did Orochi not hold any occasions like this?' Mitsuko questioned.

'No. If he did it was only for his royal court and normally involving an execution by combat.'

'Did this Orochi also handle his alcohol?' LingQi questioned. Mitsuko wondered why...then all of a sudden it hit her and groaned.

'Look, I told you before it was my first time drinking and I don't normally touch the stuff.'

'I mean, I didn't say anything.' LingQi responded as she winked mischievously at Mitsuko who groaned in frustration at her. LingQi giggled slightly, she couldn't help but mess with Mitsuko sometimes when their lives aren't on the line. Though Mitsuko wasn't exactly thrilled with LingQi's comment though she knew she can get her own back eventually. Plus seeing her relax in a situation like this and seeing her smile was comforting.

'Tch, just don't drink them out of house and home. We're trying to make a good impression here.' She stated, making it clear that she's in charge with a playful smirk on her face before a middle aged man appeared before them. He wore a thin moustache with what looks like an expensive robe with the bandit queens colours similar to a royal advisors attire. His attire set him apart from the other members of Zheng Jiangs court.

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