Chapter 2

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Mitsuko rode on her horse for roughly half a day, she travelled on a paved road while being in deep thought about where she should go from here, of course she was going to fight to quell the rebellion but what should she do afterwards? It's not like she can go through a door labelled exit and she can be back in her time or anything so she's pretty much stuck here. Should she actually go serve one of the lords even though to her knowledge women in these times? Should she help the emperor not fall in the hands of anyone? Should she just live a simple life? Questions like these filled her mind and she found herself riding between two small fields with several farmers having their backs facing her. Mitsuko wanted some confirmation just in case she took a wrong turn during her daydreaming.

"Excuse me is this way to Louyang?" She asked to one of the farmers when she made her horse stop.

"Who's asking?" the famer replied, Mitsuko thought that was rather rude of him but she answered.

"Just someone wanting to help quell this rebellion, look I got this official uniform and everything." She stated.

"Oh? Well in that case..." The farmer started when he disrobed to reveal his yellow turban attire and his sword while Mitsuko had an arrow fire that zoomed past her head and her horse neighed while standing on two legs in which Mitsuko was so surprised by that she lost grip and crashed down onto the road while the horse fled as fast as it can.

"We'll take all of your belongings!" the yellow turban shouted as he started to run towards Mitsuko whose eyes began to turn into the snake like ones. She jumped to her feet and slashed the kneecap of the charging yellow turban before he had the opportunity to strike her. As he started to fall, Mitsuko got the blade of her scythe underneath his neck and struck it upwards decapitating him. Two yellow turbans yell run behind her and attempt to strike down with their swords, Mitsuko notices them before they could bring their swords down and blocks them. She pushes upwards and slashes the two yellow turbans before they could react. When they fell a larger yellow turban lunged behind Mitsuko and used all his body with his shoulder first to barge her into the fields. Mitusko felt she was flying for a moment until she landed in the fields and felt pain in her torso.

'Well i'm glad I had armour otherwise that would've hurt.' Mitsuko sarcastically thought to herself as she struggled to get up by leaning on her scythe after standing it upright while getting a good view of the man responsible for her short sustained flight. He was a large man with a bulky build who looked very strong, his yellow turban had a symbol on his head which Mitsuko didn't recognise with his face having a small beard and began stroking it.

"Haha you fell right into our trap you han slave!" The large man shouted as more men emerged from the fields.

"And you are?" Mitsuko asked.

"I'm Guan Hai a servant of the yellow turbans and the way of peace and we will take down the Han and the people will be spared the tyranny of the emperor and finally live in an age of peace!" He proclaimed in which Mitsuko looked at him oddly.

"I mean thats great and all...but I just asked for a name I didn't care about that other stuff since you're gonna die but thanks anyway." Mitsuko says which for some reason made Guan Hai furious.

"How dare you insult me and my yellow turban brothers! When you are slain I will use your belongings to infiltrate their forces and we will use that information against them and then finally the land will start to know peace after we have taken down the traitorous emperor and all his advisors! My brothers will watch as I will claim your head!" He declared while Mitsuko sighs.

"I didn't even insult you! Oh well let's get this over with." Mitsuko says to herself as she prepares her scythe for battle. She was handling herself quite well, when she first struck she was surprised that it was blocked so she used up more strength in her swings in which he still blocked, she grew more frustrated with herself and her enemy as they were blocking and countering each other, however she noticed that she started to get tired, her breathing got heavy as sweat escaped her brow and plunged to the ground as she slays about half of the group. Her body was not used to this amount of physical activity.

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