Chapter 9

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'Relax I'm not going to harm you.' The humanoid calmly told her as she exhales loudly. She inhales and suddenly jumps up and raises her scythe at the end of it and her hair drips with water. She got a closer examination at what was in front of her and she realised it wasn't human. It was barefoot with two pointed talons with sharp nails similar to a bird's claws. It wore mainly plain black and slightly baggy cloth to cover its legs. Around the waist a long purple sash was tied with loose plates of light armour hanging down in front of his legs as well as the sides. All of them were stopped at halfway to his thighs. He didn't wear a shirt so his lower half of his dark grey skin and toned body is revealed. The top half from the chest upwards is covered with bandages. He also didn't have a weapon with him, only metal gauntlets on both of his arms. He wore a shoulder guard on his right side. His face however is covered by a very strange golden mask. The front of his mask has a huge dark space where his mouth should be, along with two spikes of sorts that resembles very short mandibles hover over the mouth piece emerging from where the cheekbones would be. The nose is covered as the mask forms a thick line that separates the mouth piece from another dark space where his eyes should be. However only one huge glowing eye filled this space. He wore a golden helmet the same colour as the mask on top of his head that was similar in shape to a World War 2 helmet. However the bottom of it curved upwards to not block the eye hole at all. The helmet also protects the sides and back of the head with small plates as well as the top of the helmet has a long spike like the tip of a spear.

'What the fuck are you?' Mitsuko asks the creature in front of her chuckles at her.

'Isn't it obvious? I'm a friend of yours. If you wasn't you'd be dead where you stand.' Even though this creature told her that something told Mitsuko that she can trust him even though he is clearly not human. She lowers her scythe slightly but not enough to lower her guard.

'Ok you may not be human...but I'm willing to give you a chance to explain yourself, so start talking.' She demanded.

'Wow such confidence I didn't think you had that much lady Mitsuko.' Mitsuko's eyes widen in response, if this thing knew she wasn't as confident before that means he must know something about her situation right?

'Ok to start off how do you know me?'

'Didn't my lord explain? He informed us about you.'

'Your lord...that giant water snake thing that dragged me here!?' The creature nods.

'That very one.'

'Ok why did he bring me here?'

'Simple, because he thought it would be entertaining for him to see you develop in this world. As to why you in particular I would probably say it was random chance really. Maybe you have more potential that he saw I truly do not know.' He shrugs his shoulders and immediately crosses them.

'Right ok, how about telling me why time has skipped and no one seems to notice?' She interrogated.

'Ahh so you've noticed that have you? An unfortunate bi product of a...private matter of mine. Nevertheless you don't seem to have changed too much by the looks of it. It may be because you were not originally a part of this world so only we noticed the small skip.'

'Small!? It was six years!'

'And how many of those years do you think were significant? Would you have preferred to be bored guarding that useless emperor for all of them?' Mitsuko grits her teeth and lowers her scythe more as the humanoid chuckles again.

'I didn't think so.'

' answer this one...why are you even here talking to me?' She questioned as the humanoid stayed silent...almost like he didn't know how to answer that question.

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