Chapter 45

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From the next day it was business as usual for the occupants of the castle. The morale of the soldiers was high after their victory over the attackers last night. Mitsuko was overlooking the general castle and the soldiers as they relax. He hears footsteps behind her along with a familiar chuckle.

'Good morning my lady.' Pang Tong greeted her.

'Morning, hey what happened to you last night? Me and LingQi tried to find you after the battle but we couldn't find you anywhere.'

'Oh I just returned to my quarters and slept.' He replied nonchalantly.

'Wait, really?' Mitsuko questioned with bewilderment.

'Well, I was a bit more tired than usual and I knew you and your forces would claim victory. Plus, I had nothing better to do as I'm not really suited for frontline combat.' Pang Tong chuckled yet again.

'That's...a lot of confidence you had in us.'

'But it was well founded as we're both here.' Pang Tong points out, Mitsuko was about to reply but realised she couldn't really say anything back.

'Heh, fair enough. Do you think they'll come around for another attack?'

'I don't think so. Their leader was slain and it seemed like they had no morale left. After seeing the might of our forces, I very much doubt they will attempt another invasion again, especially so soon. They may have been desperate before but after that fight they would've been broken.' Pang Tong explained.

'Maybe they'll get themselves more men to attack again.'

'Hehe, maybe. Maybe but I wouldn't count on them returning for a good while at the very least.' Pang Tong concluded. Suddenly a messenger ran towards Mitsuko holding a scroll in his hands.

'My lady do you know where lady LingQi is at?' Mitsuko was taken aback by this sudden question before composing herself again.

'Not sure I think she's doing some admin work or something. Why?'

'A message has arrived written for lady LingQi from Yuan Shu.' He reported. Mitsuko's right eye twitched at the mere mention of his name. However she knew she had to keep her cool and simply sighed.

'Well as I said I don't know where she is, if you want I'll hand it to her if you want.' The messenger immediately shakes his head while looking down.

'Oh no I couldn't possibly ask you to do such a thing my lady.'

'Don't worry, I don't mind after all I'll probably run into her sooner than you do.' She attempts to reassure him as he hesitantly hands over the scroll,

'Well if you insist, you have my gratitude my lady.' He bows respectfully and leaves. As he left Mitsuko glanced at the scroll she's holding.

'Well, well. A message for lady LingQi from Yuan Shu of all people? Well you know what we need to do now right?'

'Yeah yeah, once I find her I'll give it.'

'No I'm talking about reading it.'

'Are you serious? I can't do that!?' Mitsuko protested.

'Why not? He never said it had to be "exclusively" for her eyes only. And besides aren't you curious to see what the contents are?' Pang Tong tempted her. Mitsuko knew it was wrong since it wasn't assigned to her...though she can't help but feel the temptation down to the fingertips as they brush over the seal of the scroll.

'Its...just not right, I wouldn't want people to look at my messages when they're addressed to me.' Mitsuko briefly remembers when Akari's private messages were leaked all over the school...that moment was when everything changed. Before losing herself in that regrettable memory Pang Tong's voice snaps her back into reality.

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