Chapter 94

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The newly spawned demons under Mitsuko fought with a newfound sense of vigour, savagery and resilience. The newly emerged warriors frightened the enemy frontlines with their monstrous appearance. However the they still had faith in their numbers to overwhelm them. Though that thinking did not help the frontlines. One warrior thrusted their spear into one of the demonic warriors in the stomach. Black blood escaped from the wound and the enemy was confident and happy with himself. Until he looked up to see a demonic grin with razor sharp teeth. He went from confident to terrified in an instant before he swings his axe, slicing their neck. They let go of their weapon before they crashed to the ground as they tried to hold their wound while their strength withered away. The warrior pulled out the spear from their stomach as a sense of agony was felt through their body. Their black blood pours out of their wound and groans before grinning sadistically and entering the fray once again.

Gyuki struck overhead with his massive club, the amalgamation blocked it with its polearm. As Gyuki kept doing it to try and overpower the amalgamation it instead punched him in the nose, forcing Gyuki to stagger backwards. The amalgamation roars threateningly before it lurched forward with a thrust from one of its trident ends. Gyuki stepped out of the way, forcing the trident to penetrate the wall firmly allowing Gyuki to strike without penalty as he swings his club again across the face of the amalgamation. The amalgamation staggered backwards as it started to drip golden blood from its mouth. The staggering however gave it enough momentum to remove the trident along with several bricks as its ripped out from the wall. The tip of the blade caught the back of Gyuki's shoulder. He grabbed the wound really quickly as a reflex, as he withdrew his hand, he saw his own black blood on his hand, along with one of the sides of the trident which is now stained, contrasting the bright teal blades.

Diamondback fought ferociously. He blocked an upcoming overhead strike with his shield, before thrusting his halberd deep in the enemy's torso. He withdrew the halberd and immediately raised it high and dropped it on another enemy lurching forward. The spikes penetrated the top of the skull, blood spurted out as soon as the halberd was dropped and raised back up. The enemy soldier's body went limp as it dropped to the ground instantly. He used his shield to knock an enemy on their back and immediately stabbed the enemy in his stomach on the ground before ripping the body open as he used his strength to strike at a charging enemy. The enemy soldier stopped and tried to block the attack with his spear. The wooden polearm was shattered into two with various splinters scattered in the winds. The spikes decorating the halberd, ripped through the enemy's flesh starting from the stomach and worked its way up to the chin. The fire still burns brightly around them though they seem to be dying down a little bit. He us

Meanwhile on top of the wall Mitsuko and her soldiers including LingQi keep the wall steady for now while the archers retreated down behind to continue firing their volleys overhead, with a few aiming at the enemies at the wall. Another volley of boulders fly overhead as Mitsuko and LingQi fight back to back against the attackers. Mitsuko released a swing wildly with her scythe arm, cleaving through several enemies through their torso. One enemy lunged and jumped up high with their sword pointing down. Mitsuko pointed the tip of her crescent blade up by rotating the serpents head and swung it upwards. She caught the leaping enemy as the tip penetrated the bottom of his neck and protruded out. He groaned in agony as he couldn't speak as blood was pouring out of his mouth and from the bottom of his neck as it drips down the already blood-stained scythe. She rotated her serpents head again and slammed it down at another enemy that was lunging towards her. The force from the slam broke both of their skulls as they collided.

Mitsuko then thrusted her sword at another enemy in front of her. Her sword dug deep into the enemy's torso before she swung it to her right side diagonally downwards. The force allowed Mitsuko's sword to escape the torso and cut through the leg of the enemy next to him, just above the knee. The first soldier dropped to their left as the sword escapes the body and the other enemy fell backwards as the sword sliced through the leg. As they screamed in Pain, Mitsuko quickly silenced them by striking the middle of his neck, causing him to gurgle blood. Mitsuko used the tip of the scythe to leap over the corpses and gave herself momentum to go for another stab attack. As the tip of the scythe was lifted from the ground from the rear, the corpse attached was also lifted temporarily before the tip of the crescent blade rips through the small amount of flesh hanging on to it. The soldier that was going to be the victim of the attack attempted to block the attack with his sword, however it split into two as the shaft the blade broke while Mitsuko's sword penetrated his torso.

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