Chapter 50

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In the upcoming days all the forces began preparing for the siege as they relaxed their training schedules and started to ration more severely as their resources start to become scarce. Chen Gong walked to the frontlines to examine the enemy and their formation to see what was going on. Despite being surrounded by Mitsuko's forces he brought his private guard with him to give him a chance to escape if they ever try anything. As he examines the enemy he overheard soldiers talking to one another as they patrol the walls. He orders his guards to keep looking at the enemy just like him to make sure he doesn't look totally suspicious.

'If our forces do fail they'll have free reign and surround the forces guarding the gate. Which is all the more reason to setup barricades at the lower levels to give our forces a chance to escape.'

'Perhaps, but you'll condemn our lady's forces in the siege as well as the rest of us though. The weird guy our lady has with him even said it would be better to leave that open to escape to regroup with the main forces and push the enemy back.'

'That maybe so but for the good of the army some sacrifices must be made even if it only accumulates to a delay. If we were allowed to retreat the enemy will simply cut us down, its better for us to go down by fighting than by retreating.'

'Even so you better not say that too many of the others, especially in the presence of that weird guy.'

'Oh yeah he freaks me out, seems pretty handy in tactics but can't compare to Chen Gong, I mean we wouldn't have gotten this far without him you know?

'Agreed though its best not to say that open as well. Anyway, c'mon we got the rest of the wall to do.' The soldiers finish their conversation as Chen Gong dastardly smirks at this. So the serpents aren't fond of that blasted hermit after all? He was pleased them confirm his superiority however they did bring up a point. Building the barricades would delay the enemy if the walls were taken, depending on how sturdy they are, could be enough for the guards at the gate to retreat. Plus Mitsuko's forces would very well be trapped, given the number of the enemy they would all surely be slaughtered. The soldier was correct, sacrifices had to be made. Unfortunately for them they had to pay the price but that's a price he's willing to pay. Two birds with one stone he thought to himself. He retreated to his quarters and started to prepare.

The next morning Cheng Gong decreed at the middle of each stairs there would be multiple layers of debris to delay the enemy. His reasoning was the same as the soldiers, to delay the enemy as long as possible. However, when Mitsuko received these orders and shows the barricades being built while she was on the wall, she was...unpleasant. Her eyes turn blood red still in their reptilian state.

'The hell is this!?' She yells out loud to the unfortunate soldiers building the barricades at the bottom of the stairs as she stands in the middle of them.

'Apologies my lady its under the orders of Chen Gong.' That didn't cheer her up.

'So my forces are supposed to go cold and hungry because of our strategist? What about looking after our own people!? We're here dying for him and our precious lord-'

'My lady please get a hold off yourself!' Zang Ba interrupted as he stands in front of Mitsuko.

'This is lord Chen Gong's will, do not worry its only a safety net. There will be no need for it once we win the battle.' Zang Ba attempted to calm her down, though he didn't succeed as she pushes him to the wall.

'No I'm tired of our forces being treated like crap! And you can say this to lord Chen Gong. Next time I see him I'll cle-' She was once again interrupted during her vent as Zang Ba put his hand over her mouth and slowly grabs her up the stairs. The soldiers didn't know what to make of this as suddenly Pang Tong appeared before them on the other side of the barricade.

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