Chapter 78

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Mitsuko's forces marched towards the bandit queens city. As they arrived the gates opened however the guards informed Mitsuko that Gyuki was to be stationed outside which Mitsuko wasn't happy about. The guards explained that the citizens felt uncomfortable with his presence due to his size and appearance. More than the others. Mitsuko was about to get angry however Gyuki did agree to this. Mitsuko ordered the rest of her forces to enter the city while she stood outside with Gyuki outside the ears of the guards.

'You sure you want to agree to this? You don't have to you know.'

'Don't worry, lady Mitsuko. Its fine, my size isn't always the advantage that it seems at first, though you do get accustomed to it. I do not wish to be an inconvenience to you lady Mitsuko. So if this what needs to be done then I will stay away.' Gyuki stated.

'You know you're not an inconvenience right? Where would I be without my large battering ram after all?' Mitsuko jested which made Gyuki feel...somewhat warm as he didn't know what to say.

'That is comforting to hear. Thank you for your kind words lady Mitsuko. You should go see the bandit queen, do not fear I will be fine here.' Gyuki replied.

'Alright, I'll make sure someone visits you so you don't get lonely.' Mitsuko promised as she made her way inside the city. As she entered she was immediately met with a squad of bandits which escorted her to the main hall of the bandit queen. As Mitsuko entered the building the bandits bow to the bandit queen and leave. Zheng Jiang also motioned her palace guards to leave save for her sworn sister and her husband. The sister fanned herself with her fan while the husband grunted as she walked in. Clearly not happy to see her. As they left and the doors shut behind them Mitsuko spoke.

'What was that at the gates? Banning Gyuki like that?'

'I didn't want to do it but my people were coming to me with concern about him soon after you left, so I had no choice but give the order for the guards to not allow him in.' Zheng Jiang responded.

'He wouldn't hurt anyone.'

'I know you wouldn't let him hurt anyone, though that isn't of much comfort to my people who think otherwise. You must remember, you're all strangers to them. They're going to naturally view you all with suspicion. I can't afford to have them doubt me you understand. So I had to give the guards the orders to show them I am listening to them. Not like those pretentious nobles of the Han.' Zheng Jiang slammed her fist onto the one of the thrones arm rests with anger, not taking her sight off Mitsuko.

'I could've just left you all outside and just have you enter the building only when we have discussions like this and make all of them including this one here happy.' She pointed to Gai Shu with her thumb while she smirked.

'But I didn't do that because that wouldn't be fair to you now would it? So its not like I'm trying to make your stay here more difficult. You understand right?' Mitsuko couldn't help but growl quietly to herself at this answer, though its not like she could argue with it either.

'I suppose.'

'Excellent. Well onto business then. Did you succeed?' She questioned as she interlocked her fingers with both hands in front of her face.

'It was successful, I did as you asked. The noble and all his guards were slain, the carriage was left to drive back to where they came from with his corpse. Hopefully now they'll think twice before giving Zhang Yan any support.' Mitsuko answered as the serpent hissed as they started to slither in the air.

'Ahh, well done. I knew you would succeed. Indeed, cutting of his financial support will put him in a tight predicament, we have quite a way to go before that happens but we all have to start from somewhere. By the way my guards informed me that the scouts that guided you to your destination didn't come back with you. What happened to them?' She asked with inquisitive eyes. The stare slightly unnerved Mitsuko as her snake heads while looking at her.

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