Chapter 14

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'Hey come on Mitsuko that's not fair!' Akane whines as Mitsuko did a cheap move in the fighting game they were playing in Mitsuko's room.

'Actually I think we came to the conclusion that this move is totally fine.'

'We agreed no sweeps with this character for BOTH legs!'

'Well this is technically a battlefield and as they say there are no rules of the battlefield.' Mitsuko states as Akane playfully spears her to the ground and initiates a play fight.

'Hey this is cheating!' Mitsuko tells her as she tries to wrestle Akane. Eventually they finish play fighting with Akane pinning Mitsuko to the wooden floorboards holding her hands as they extend upwards with Mitsuko's legs instinctively wrapped around Akane's waist. Akane moves in closer to Mitsuko's face as she blushes, staring at her navy blue eyes.

'As you say there are no rules on the battlefield right?'

Mitsuko suddenly wakes up to the sight of a white cloth shaped like a triangle and remembered what happened as she sat up and shook her head.

'That fucking dream again, damn it Akane why are you showing up now of all times!? What do you want from me? Argh can't sleep now, I'll just have to go for a stroll I guess to clear my mind.' Mitsuko thought to herself as she grabbed her scythe and crawled out of her tent and saw that hers is one of many. Its been two days since they escaped Chang An. Diao Chan wasn't with them, she wanted to continue looking for her father and hid somewhere in the city much to the disappointment of Lu Bu. The next two days Lu Bu and his forces including Mitsuko who went along for the ride wandered the land eastwards. Lu Bu began to amass a small army and recruited men and officers to his cause. Most were former soldiers of the imperial army who had left when Dong Zhuo came into power, the rest were peasant militia with not much military training. All of which respected Lu Bu's unparalleled might. To Mitsuko's surprise Lu Bu offered her a small amount of troops to command over making her an officer. She didn't expect to be serving anyone as an officer never mind the strongest warrior in the land. She didn't know the first thing about leadership in the slightest however she knew she had to do her best when a battle comes about though.

Part of her wanted to reject the offer however when Lu Bu offered her the officer role something changed within Mitsuko, like a spark igniting a tiny flame that burns slowly. She couldn't understand why she felt like this but she concluded it wasn't a bad feeling. As she strolls through the camp she looks up and notices that the sky although black is unusually bright with most of the stars disappeared from the sky. She thought it was just getting to be morning since she never saw this kind of sky before. She exits the camp though making sure not to stray too far away from it. As she exits she hears a faint sound like a grunt of some kind and decides to investigate it.

She finds herself climbing a small hill overlooking the camp, a good place to keep watch. As she walked to the top the grunting got louder and louder and became slightly feminine. She reached to the top and finds a small grassy field on top with LingQi swinging her double bladed polearms as hard as she could all around. Mitsuko couldn't help but admire the way she moved, to Mitsuko she moved with such elegance especially when she strikes the air, she could see the determination and strength behind each attack. There was something strangely captivating about it for Mitsuko, she couldn't explain it. She realised that LingQi hasn't noticed her yet so she walks up closer to her.

'Hey what ar-' She was interrupted by LingQi getting startled as she turns around and strikes Mitsuko from overhead. Mitsuko barely manages to block the attack with her scythe however LingQi had so much force behind that strike she actually went on one knee. Once LingQi recognised Mitsuko she immediately retracted her weapons and discarded them to her side as she goes on one knee and puts her left fist in her right palm in front of her.

Romance of the Four KingdomsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora