Chapter 47

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The next day word spread of the clumsy artist as a few of the soldiers and the locals claim they heard a pot shatter last night. However coincidentally Hao Meng was nowhere to be found. Chen gong put out a search party for him as he could've been anywhere in the city. He waited in his quarters doing some admin work and preparing for the siege when a couple of soldiers walked in. They bowed their heads and immediately went on one knee.

'Lord Chen Gong we have scoured the entire city and there's no sign of lord Hao Meng anywhere.'

'What? Did you check every building?'

'Yes my lord, we also searched the stable and found his horse still there.'

'So he hasn't escaped...he must be here somewhere, take another look around the city...take a closer look at the barracks of the serpents forces.'

'Yes my lord.' The soldiers take their leave as Chen Gong bites his lip.

'I know that meddling hermit is involved in this somehow, I can't believe he managed to make him missing.' He imagines Pang Tong's chuckle in his mind, taunting him. Mocking him as he tightens the grip of his pen.

'You will not make a fool of me any longer!'

Meanwhile Mitsuko and her officers watch several soldiers not under her banner leave her barracks.

'I don't get it, why do they think Hao Meng would be in here of all places? He wasn't exactly my biggest fan.' Mitsuko asked.

'Maybe they thought he was hiding there to get some extra sleep? After all it would be the last place he thought they'd check.' Zang Ba suggested.

'Oh? You sound like you have experience you better not have been sleeping on the job.' Mitsuko smirked as Zang Ba began to wear a nervous expression on his face.

'I erm...of course I wouldn't do that. Not at all!'

'It may be just a theory but I think they may be looking for a body.' Pang Tong responded.

'What, a body? Wait, they think I killed him and that's why he's missing!?' Mitsuko questioned. Pang Tong chuckled in response.

'Perhaps, or maybe lord Chen Gong just wants to hope that's true.'

'How do you know Chen Gong is the one that ordered this?'

'Do you think Lord Lu Bu would care enough to organise a search party for him?' Pang Tong asked.

'Good point. Well they're not going to find it in there that's for sure.' Mitsuko stated. Suddenly she heard some commotion nearby. She walked over to investigate and finds a group of soldiers with some shouting nearby. She couldn't make out on what they're saying until she got closer and joined in the crowd.

'You think you're all so tough just because you won a few skirmishes? Bah in a frontline assault you and the serpent would get decimated!'

'Says the cowards that hide in the back lines! You wouldn't know the meaning of strength if it hit you in the face, though I can put that to the test if you want.' The loyal soldier makes his hand into a fist and puts it in the air next to his face.

'Is that so? You think you lot can take us on?'

'You can't even take on peasants never mind true soldiers!'

'Why you!' Just as one of the soldiers was about to throw a punch Mitsuko strikes her scythe down in the middle of them and emerges from the crowd. One soldiers growls under his breath while the other bows respectfully.

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