Chapter 109

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Zheng Jiang traversed the narrow corridor, slowing her pace to a crawl as she carefully pursued Zhang Yan. She knew he could be a crafty son of a bitch, she was wary about any traps he may have laid for her. It wasn't a coincidence she felt that he fled in this direction while goading her. On her left and right were doors. She quickly stopped and treaded even more carefully, recognising this to be a perfect place for an ambush. She hugged the left wall tightly creeping closer to one of the doors. Her heart pounds heavily like a war drum while sweat starts to form under her brow. She found her knees start to shake for some reason. Despite everything, she knows full well one wrong move here could spell her doom. Each step she could hear the creaking of the floorboards until she stopped in front of the left door. She took a deep breath before she quickly swiped the door open, a loud echo of the crash could be heard for just a second before silence. She immediately went to strike but found no one there, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief and lowered her guard for just an instance.

As she did, she heard the door behind her slide open and a sudden battle yell was heard with footsteps. She quickly twisted her body around and blocked the oncoming sword thrust aiming at her face with her red sisters, making an 'X' shape with them having the blade stuck underneath both axe blades leaving it unable to swipe to either side. The sudden emergence of the blade forced her to be on the defensive as she walked backwards. Keeping eye contact with her would be assassin who looked to dressed in a nice quality robe, Zheng jiang thought it was Zhang Yans advisors by the way he was dressed and by look eyes. They weren't the eyes of a warrior, but one of fear and cowardice who never had to take a least with their own hands. She found herself pinned against the wall due to momentum he had as he lunged towards her. She kept the sword stuck as it penetrated the wall behind her as she tilted her head to avoid the sword. The advisor seemed to be infuriated as he tried to move the blade to try and cut her. He growled, becoming even more frustrated by this as she heard footsteps coming towards her position. She knew she had to get out as quick as possible before he withdrew his blade.

She kneed him in the gut, causing his strength to falter as he keeled over forward. This gave Zheng Jiang the opportunity to use her right axe to become taste their first drop of blood as it crashes down on his shoulder. Forcing him to fall to his knees. Two more advisors appear in front of the doorway, swords already drawn only to see and hear their colleague cry out in agony before Zheng Jiang drenches her right axe with blood as she decapitated his head after 3 strikes. Blood also staining herself as well as the walls as it spurts. She looked up to the two advisors who were frightened of this act of savagery from the fabled bandit queen. She started walking menacingly towards the two advisors who quickly stepped away from the doorway giving her room to exit. They couldn't hold their fear in check as they stepped bac on both sides of Zheng Jiang as she glanced at them for a quick moment. Her cold, hateful eyes full of wrath was evident as she quickly looked at the right one before swinging her axe aimed at his jaw. Eviscerating it as it hung from one side with blood pouring out like a waterfall with painful screams that sounded incomplete as the advisor's body slammed into the wall next to him thanks to the momentum of the swing.

The other advisor seeing this thought to himself there was no way he was going to survive like this and yelled to try and help him feel confident as he horizontally swung his blade towards her head. Zheng Jiang anticipated the blow easily and ducked underneath it. He gasped in awe of how easy she made it look while also meaning this could be the end of him. She crouched down and twisted her body as she extended her left axe, it was lodged in his gut before a second later he coughed up blood. He dropped the sword and clutched on to the would as Zheng Jiang withdrew the axe. He winced in agony as he fell to his knees, he looked down to see his hands covered in his own blood before looking up to see Zheng Jiangs axe plunge into his neck but only once. As she withdrew it blood spurts out leaving a large enough wound that he couldn't speak as more of his blood built up in throat while also flowing outside of the wound. He could only fall to the ground in agony awaiting his demise, seeing only his comrade's body before his grip on life was ultimately weakened. Zheng Jiang looked up to see what seemed to be the final advisor who was quaking in fear. He threw his sword away and dropped to his knees and put his palms together in a praying stance.

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