Chapter 113

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The amphibian's golden eyes widened with awe and horror as he sees before him LingQi completely transformed...before he completely screamed in pain, as if the attack was so fast the pain wasn't able to be felt until just now. His breathing skyrocketed as he could not take his eyes off this...human. This can't just be a human thing, can it? It's not a mystic thing, they don't normally transform into these they? was LingQi. Once she was on deaths door and he was going to give her the final push to go through. Now though...this just happened on his watch. He felt himself getting enraged, how dare this human upstart believe she's worth anything let alone worthy to disarm him! He and his sibling's thirst for vengeance cannot be stopped by just a mere mortal! Yet when he saw LingQi casually skitter along towards him he hesitated. For the first time since the day of sealing he experienced fear.

He hated himself for this feeling and jumped up. He will not be a slave to his own fear, not again!

'You think just because you got lucky that you can best me in battle!? Please! Don't you dare underestimate me!' He croaked as he swings his shield towards her horizontally. LingQi cared not and carried on walking as if he was not there. The shield was grabbed by one of LingQi's shorter insect arm and she casually glanced at the shield and then towards the amphibian who held the look of being frightened.

'Pathetic.' She stated simply as she grabbed the shield after she passed the halberd to the other insect arm and picked it up along with the frog and slammed him behind her, landing him on his back. Those in the vicinities were in awe of her strength.

'Well, don't see that every day.' Pang Tong chuckled as he saw the frog being picked up.


'Ha-ha, what's the matter frog? Demon got your tongue?' Dodomeki weakly laughed as he saw his opponents horrified and surprised expression as they looked upon LingQi's new transformation. He tightened his weapons so hard veins were showing on his arm. LingQi hopped on top of the flattened frog who coughed up blood as soon as he made impact with the ground belly up. He opened his eyes weakly to see the demonic LingQi holding her glaives to its throat. His eyes widen, unsure what to make of the situation. A simple human even with demonic powers should not have overpowered it so easily.

'Any last words?' She questioned a low, snarling voice. Clicking her tongue while looking away for a brief moment before she reverted her gaze back upon her. As he was about to respond she sliced its throat using her glaives in both directions. The amphibian reflexively used its arms to try and stop the river of blood spilling. However, one arm was disarmed and the other with the shield was stopped by LingQi using her free insectoid hands stopped the shield, leaving the amphibian feeling even more helpless as they feel their body and senses slip away as they could only look upon LingQi's visage and the sky above with the stars... and the feeling of regret of his failure to their goddess. Their limbs quickly fall to the ground next to them, limp. The other frogs stand in awe and horror as she leaps off the frog and slowly skitters across the battlefield to reach the amphibian hovering over Dodomeki. LingQi lumbered towards them with a neutral look on her face. The vacant gaze stared at the eyes of her opponent. Fearful and yet hateful.

This amphibian hesitated to strike, seeing how easy it was for her to destroy his comrade, realising they haven't gotten their glaive they hopped to their glaive, they claimed it and wielded with both hands, seeing LingQi skitter towards them. Gripping their polearm tightly as they croaked, the cheeks bulging out before returning to their normal proportions. They hopped up in the air as they yelled loudly towards LingQi. As they approached her position, they slammed their glaive on top of them. Hoping to cleave them in two equal sides, that'll show the upstart human. They roared as the glaive made contact with the ground and a dust cloud enveloped both they and their opponent. As the dust settled the amphibian chuckled however, they quickly opened their eyes in horror as they see LingQi next to the curved metallic blade that caused a clean vertical slice into the gravel. They stopped there for just a moment almost petrified as they feel their heartbeat skyrocket as their gaze pierced their soul as LingQi looked up. Frightened, they panicked as they leapt back and released their long tongue at the same time aiming for her face. This didn't give much time for LingQi to react, and they thought it would work.

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