Chapter 28

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A week has passed since Lu Bu's army suffered defeat at the hands of Cao Cao at Dingtao castle. They retreated towards Xia Pi castle currently in the hands of Lord Liu Bei after being bequeathed to him by the late Tao Qian. However during their retreat their numbers started to dwindle due some of the soldiers as they felt the army had no hope of winning. The morale of the army was low after their defeat however the soldiers were rejuvenated as they saw Xia Pi castle in their sights. That night they camped with the castle in sights while Lu Bu alone entered the castle to enter negotiations with Liu Bei under the advice of Cheng Gong.

Lu Bu's forces needed to regroup and replenish their forces to recover their morale and take the battle to Cao Cao once again. However in order to do that they would need a land of their own once again to train their soldiers more effectively and have fields to farm under lord Lu Bu's name. They were in no position to have another battle with Cao Cao and with morale low Chen Gong didn't find their chances in battle with another warlord particularly high. Which is where Liu Bei comes in the picture.

Liu Bei a warlord with a big heart cared for the people. Perhaps too much so. He was unable to refuse aid to those who needed it which made him a good target for the beginning of Chen Gongs long term strategy. The castle of Xia Pi was a stronger one compared to the likes of Puyang. When they replenish their troops and morale they will take the first opportunity they have to usurp the land for Lu Bu's forces.

That night LingQi woke up in the middle of the night to train. She always did this as a daily routine however after their defeat she trained twice as hard. She took the loss personally since her father was the head of the army and she wanted to do everything within her power to help him. She thought it was her duty as her daughter to do anything but. However as she's traversing through the camp tents she spots Pang Tong and who she guessed was Wu Zi. She had a few questions directed about the...unique strategist ever since their defeat. She marches up to their position.

'I see...well I must take my leave now, you have given me much to think about.'

'Of course my apologies for wasting so much of your time.'

'Please there is no need for apologies however farewell for now.' He walks past him a few steps before recognising LingQi not far.

'My lady.' He bows respectively before walking past her. LingQi reciprocated as Pang Tong looks behind her and waves at her.

'Ahh how are you this rather beautiful night my lady?' He questions as he stretches his arms to his side.

'I wish to ask you something.' She replies preferring to get straight to the point.

'Hehe I suppose you do, I had a feeling you would sooner or later.' He chuckles to himself.

'You knew all along Cao Cao had a plan in place didn't you?'

'...Yes.' He admits. In which LingQi consumed by anger grabbed his robe and lifts him up with one hand.

'Then why didn't you say anything sooner!? We could've come up with a counter strategy or something. We...we could've done something and win that battle!' She yells at him, infuriated by his rather selfish decision. Her father could've won that battle if he knew what was going to happen. Despite this Pang Tong kept his cool.

'Even if I did the outcome wouldn't have changed.'

'How so?'

'We both know Chen Gong is a capable strategist, he also knew that Cao Cao had some sort of scheme lying in wait.'


'Why weren't we victorious? Hmm I'd prefer not to tell you this now but sometimes you have to listen to things that you don't like.'

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