Chapter 67

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Mitsuko smirked before lunging in at LingQi as she extended her arms and wildly swung her left snake head with the blade at LingQi. She blocked the attack with both of her glaives and leaned in to make sure she keeps herself steady. As she grits her teeth as currently involved in a test of strength with the snake, Mitsuko's other snake arm with her crescent blade drops down towards LingQi, aiming for the centre of her skull. LingQi spotted this and pushed the blade away with all her might and successfully rolls out of the way as the crescent blade pierced the earth. The scythe snake head hissed aggressively as it removed the scythe and hovered in the air as Mitsuko sprinted closer before using the snake to slash at LingQi. She managed to parry and deflect the attacks as she stepped back further away, trying to create some distance. Just as she wondered where the other snake went she heard it zooming behind her. She ducked down for a moment making Mitsuko's two blades clash against each other. The two snakes stagger in the air for a moment before shaking their heads, both facing LingQi with a sadistic glare.

They both hiss before charging in for another chance. LingQi was already in battle stance as she prepared herself for the onslaught of attacks unleashed by the snakes. The one with the blade preferred to use a flurry of thrusting attacks while the other one goes in for the occasional slash though it doesn't attack too often. LingQi while keeping most of her attention on the one that's attacking wildly has the occasional glance when she can at the other snake who slithers in the air next to her as she keeps taking several steps back. The sword snake thrusts in several places of LingQi's body, hoping to pick her apart however LingQi was skilled to block all the strikes. Suddenly she hears the scythe snake coming around for a strike aiming for the back of her neck. She turned around and used her left glaive to block the attack. The top blade made contact with the tip of the polearm, just before the snake's mouth. Though she still doesn't stop blocking the relentless onslaught of the blade snake with one of them, she manages to keep up with it though it is much more difficult to do so.

After a couple of more deflections the blades meet in deadlock. Both of LingQi's glaives were caught in a deadlock. She looked in front of her to see Mitsuko demonically smirking at her quite away from herself. She made the snakes move slowly to LingQi's front, trying to break away from the deadlock. Though LingQi's blades followed Mitsuko's and kept in contact, though she feels the immense strength coming from her. Slowly they made their way to LingQi's front as Mitsuko started to overpower her, her weapons edging closer to her face though LingQi kept holding on. Mitsuko smirk grew wider as she pushed her away, knocking her off her feet and crashing into the tree. She winced as she slid down and closed her eyes for a split second. As she opened them she saw the tip of the crescent blade flying towards with such speed she could barely roll out of the way successfully. The scythe became lodged in the tree. The snake head struggled to remove itself from the tree as LingQi spotted Mitsuko still grinning demonically. Fuelled by anger and hatred she sprints towards her seeing an opportunity to cut her down. Mitsuko demonically laughed as she started to retract herself to the lodged snake head, flying towards LingQi. LingQi stopped in her tracks and sees the long snake being retracted to. She attempted to try and cut the body though her attempt was foiled by the sword meeting her glaives just in time before the side of that snake's side of the body slams into her. Carrying her when she became face to face with Mitsuko.

'See how powerful I am now? I told you, strength is all that matters in this world. I don't need you now!' She yells as she stops next to the tree, launching LingQi into the edge of the forest. She crashed and rolled on the floor before quickly rolling back onto her feet. She quickly got back into her battle stance as Mitsuko roared as she forcefully pulls the lodged blade through the bark of the tree. As she pulled it she swung wildly at LingQi, carving and splintering several tree trunks before reaching LingQi's position who rushes towards Mitsuko, dodging the crescent blade. When she got close enough she leaps forward and spinning 360 degrees while striking her blades downward for momentum. Mitsuko managed to block the strike with her sword snake. LingQi continued her offensive as she sees the other snake has not yet been retracted to her. LingQi kept slashing away at Mitsuko who kept back stepping and deflecting the attacks from her glaives still. LingQi still sees Mitsuko's joyful demonic smile but her words kept echoing inside her head.

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