Chapter 29

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One night Akari led Mitsuko somewhere outside and forced her to wear a blindfold to make sure she doesn't peak. Mitsuko didn't really like this, it made her uneasy and vulnerable. However she trusts Akari enough to let her do this...even if she doesn't know why she's doing it in the first place.

'Ok we're here you can take it off now.' Akari stated prompting Mitsuko to quickly take the cursed thing off. When she saw what seemed to be a clear vast ocean with a cloudless sky accompanied by a bright moon towering over the body of water. Mitsuko never really saw a sight like this before and found it almost captivating.

'Ta-da! Sorry when I was first coming up with this I was thinking of you know, a giant hill overlooking the town at night so you can see the lights while not listening to the distant sound of traffic. Like in the movies but I couldn't find anything like that.' Akari explained.

'I could've told you fact I'm pretty sure I did since the moment we met.' Mitsuko replies as she giggles at Akari feigning a pout towards her.

'Well you haven't made the effort to explore your local town unlike me. Besides I always see some kind of spot like that in the movies so it stands to reason there must've been something like that in this town.'

'And yet here we are...on some slabs of wood over a body of water, the most romantic of destinations.' Mitsuko responded sarcastically as she smirks. Before she met Akari she wouldn't imagine herself saying half of the things she says with this tone of voice. Now its second nature to her when it comes to Akari, who now sits down on the edge of the jetty with her legs hovering over the water.

'Look do you want the damn ice cream or not?' Akari offers as she brings out a large container containing chocolate ice cream along with two metal spoons. Mitsuko quickly joins her and they both began to eat ice cream. Even though it was night it was still warm, the wind was generous enough to give them a gentle cool breeze giving them slight shivers.

'So why is it that we're here anyway?' Mitsuko questioned unsure why she's out here in the first place.

'Well, back in my old town there was a good spot where every now and again I'd go out in the night and just look up at the stars.'

'Really? Why?'

'I dunno no real reason, I just liked it. Helped me relax and clear my mind you know? Besides if nothing else they are really pretty don't you think?'

Mitsuko looks up at the starry sky and finds herself strangely overwhelmed for some reason. However the more she stares at the sky the more she begins to understand Akari's words.

'They are actually really pretty.'

'See I told you...besides I think you needed a break anyway.' Mitsuko looks at her with confusion.

'You seemed more stressed out than usual lately so it seems like you needed some time away from everything, escape the world and all that.' Mitsuko was touched that someone like Akari would give a damn enough about her to do something like this for her. Her cheeks start to flush due to embarrassment and had overwhelming happiness surged through her viens. So much so she even surprised herself when she leaned in and planted a soft kiss on Akari's lips. Both of them were shocked by this action and Mitsuko immediately turned the other way out of embarrassment.

'I'm sorry I didn't mean was only supposed to be on the cheek and as a thank you for putting up with someone like me is all.' Mitsuko internally cringes at herself she wasn't supposed to add that last part in. She was surprised when she found a pair of arms wrapped around her.

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