Chapter 74

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Mitsuko and her forces marched through the forest and followed the directions from Lu Zheng. The spirits of the soldiers started to fall as they traversed the mountainous terrain as their supplies dwindled more than they would've liked. However near the end of the day as the sun starts to set they all manage to finally catch a glimpse of the city. Their spirits managed to get lifted as a result however they couldn't traverse as the sun started to set and the mountainous terrain fatigued the soldiers more than usual. That night Dodomeki started to scout around to make sure no one is following them however though as he sprinted he hears very loud thuds behind him as he sprints out of the camp.

'If you're going to follow me you will need to be quieter than that Gyuki.' He glanced behind him to see Gyuki rubbing his head.

'Hehe, you know I was never good at being quiet.'

'Obviously...what do you want? You should rest, we'll reach the city tomorrow.'

'What about you?'

'What about me?'

'C'mon Dodomeki you're pushing yourself too hard. Don't think I haven't noticed you pushing yourself more and more.' Gyuki stated as he pointed at him as he averted his gaze to the ground.

'So what? Is there something wrong with giving it your all for lady Mitsuko?' Dodomeki questioned.

'There is if you push yourself to the point of exhaustion without any point.'

'Without any point!? How dare you say that!' Dodomeki shouted at Gyuki.

'But it's true, you also need rest more than anyone else. There's no point in exhausting yourself needlessly, I'm sure lady Mitsuko wouldn't want that for you.'

'Are you really sure that's the case? Somehow I doubt it.' Dodomeki sighed.

'What are you talking about? Of course that's the case why wouldn't it be?' Gyuki responded with confusion.

'You...really don't remember do you?' Dodomeki realised.

'Remember what!? You're not making sense here Dodomeki.'

'We went to Mitsuko's time! We never waited here for her here.'

'What?' Gyuki was stunned to know this. He thought they just laid in wait for her arrival, that's what he remembers.

'Yeah, it's hard to imagine but it was true. We were sent to watch her after the demise of lord Orochi under his instructions.'

'I remember that clearly though my memory is blurry after that incident. All I remember is us arriving here, waiting for lady Mitsuko to arrive.' Gyuki responded.

'Well...I better tell you what happened before. Its only right for you to know.'

As Dodomeki and Gyuki stepped through the portal they arrived at the rooftop of a large building. They quickly scour their surroundings and walk around. They walk to the edge of the rooftop and find the streets busy with pedestrians and cars.

'How are we supposed to find Lord Orochi's reincarnation amongst these people? They seem to have more and more people walking the streets as time moves forward.' Gyuki asks as he scratches in head.

'That's technology for you. We'll find him eventually. Let's just keep out of sight for now.' Dodomeki stated as they leaped from one rooftop to the next with ease. They were looking all around, trying to find some sort of signal their demonic eyes can spot. Orochi's serpentine demonic aura could only be seen by mystics and demons, though because the vessel is only an infant it is only noticeable if you are very close to it. Some time has passed since they first set foot in this world as their search began to get more desperate, knowing each second they waste is one more second that a mystic can have to slay him. If they slay the reincarnation in infancy, then Orochi's soul would be obliterated and would be lost forever. Eventually, the streets turned silent. They quickly move until Gyuki hears a woman cry out in terror. He runs back shortly after leaping to another building. Dodomeki stopped as he leapt to the next building after not hearing Gyuki's loud thuds behind him. He glanced back to find him peering to the ground on the other building. He quickly sprinted towards him.

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