Chapter 102

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Luna and Yu Du arrived at the place where they meant to ambush Mitsuko's forces. They were stationed with a forest in sight. Luna and Yu Du discussed war strategies as they placed a map of the local layout of the land.

'They will come through this forest as here is the shortest way to get to the city.' Luna advised Yu Du who looked confused.

'Why? They won't get their siege engines past those trees. Not to mention they don't have an accurate layout of the land like we do, they kept inside their castle for too long.' Yu Du stated. Luna shook her head.

'Remember, they had their large demon around. We weren't able to kill it during the invasion so it could just destroy the gates if they so wish, its likely they're not bringing siege engines, it would only bring them down. Plus They know we can outnumber them severely they wouldn't risk the open world. But we can.'

'How do you mean?'

'See here? Even though the road is quite far away from us initially, eventually following the road will lead you to the other side of the forest. We can send some forces and execute a pincer attack.' Luna answered, pointing at various points of the map. Yu Du nodded in understanding.

'Ahh yes I see, a good strategy, they would be completely flanked. And we'll use our fire arrows to burn the forest signalling our forces its time to strike all the while inflicting damage as they remain inside, that way they can't use the trees to their advantage. As long as our flanking forces rushes past the burning wildlife they won't be in any significant danger.'

'Exactly. We'll split our forces into 3. One to take the road and wait until the forest is set on fire. You will lead a distraction force, feign an assault before running away the way you came once you have their attention. I'll lead the archers and release the volleys once you have exited. They'll panic with men deserting before they come across our flanking force. Then we move in for the kill.' Luna smirked, believing this to be an adequate strategy in taking out the serpent. Of course, her orders she knew was to bring this serpent alive to her, however who is to say what would happen? It could've been in self-defence, it wasn't like the serpent would've willingly go with her. Or she could've died as she as being transported back who was to say? All she did know though was that Jinzha wasn't here to tell her what she should do. This is a battlefield, there are no rules here, Luna thought to herself. Empress Luna...that does have a nice ring to it she thought to herself.

Its strange, before all this started there was no ambition in her, no desire for the throne or anything. She was quite happy to serve lord Jinzha. He was her superior after all...though after coming to this realm...she found herself changing for the better. She didn't know if that old fool put some sort of obedience spell on her or anyone else. Maybe coming here granted her and her alone enough strength to break it? It matters not. Luna would do what she wished to do once she slays the serpent for herself. Though...she can't help but feel...pulled by her and her forces for some reason. She doesn't understand why but she found them fascinating. Much more interesting than her present and previous company. Humans and demons working together voluntarily? That's something that hasn't been witnessed, the serpent in all the other times enslaved humans to their will...right? That's what she was told and that's why some of them appeared on the battlefield...but now...she questioned that idea. Perhaps this was always a thing and no one wanted to inform or believe it. Or maybe they were being manipulated at the time...that still didn't answer the question about LingQi, there was no way she was manipulated, she didn't see that in her eyes or feel any sort of...sorcery influencing her. Maybe she should ask about that, before slaying her she thought to herself as she devilishly smirked.

'Very good, we have a plan. Lets get the men organised.' Yu Du said, as he and Luna went to their forces and organised them into 3 groups. The ambush group was led by one of Yu Du's trusted lieutenants. Luna commanded the archers as Yu Du led the distraction force. They ventured into the forest to the point where Luna is not able to see them anymore. Once they disappeared Luna waited...and waited. She found herself pacing from one side of the archer unit to the other, as they formed a square formation. She didn't anticipate the waiting part of it would be so...infuriating. It wasn't the case before, so she didn't know why now. She would've put herself as the distraction, though she didn't trust Yu Du to finish the job. This way, this is something he wouldn't be able to screw up...right? A few hours had passed, which made Luna halfway through sit down on the field. She sat down before she felt something underneath her. A faint rumbling the sound of a giant stomping. She smirked at this as she jumped up.

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