Chapter 106

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Within the next hour Mitsuko's forces were nearing completion with their preparations. The men were mostly assembled and the boulders for the catapults are ready to be fired. Mitsuko stood far enough back at the open fields that the night sentries would not be alerted by her presence with LingQi to her right, Pang Tong to her right and the rest of the officers behind her including Gyuki who was eager to destroy the gates. To the right side of them Zheng Jiangs forces were ready and willing. Ladders were constructed out of simple wood and rope to allow them to scale the walls while Gyuki works on the main gates. Soon the forces were battle ready, standing at attention behind Mitsuko. Ready to follow her and breach the city standing before them.

'Are our forces assembled?' Mitsuko turns towards LingQi who nodded.

'Yes my lady.'

'Good. Commence the-'

'Mitsuko.' She heard Zheng Jiang voice raised to the right side of her. She turns to face her coming forward along with Gai Shu.

'Allow me to lead the charge.'

'Oh? How come?' Mitsuko questioned. Her eyes displayed a glint of regret in them before being fuelled by anger and hatred.

'This has been a long time coming. We sat back and watched while your forces sacrificed themselves for us during the defence. Its our turn to pay that back.' Mitsuko smirked, amused at this. She used her left serpent arm to extend it to her left showing the city and an open field.

'The stage is yours. However though what about your-'

'Do not worry about him, he learnt his lesson.' Zheng Jiang pointed to Gai Shu behind him without looking, Gai Shu looked to the ground saddened by something as he did not say anything in response. Although a moment later he wore a stoic mask, ready to fight the enemy.

'Fair enough, you're going to give them a speech?' Mitsuko questioned.

'A speech?' Zheng Jiang was puzzled by this.

'Yeah, why not? This may be the last time you may see a good amount of them. It may help boost morale.'

'Boost this what you do?'

'I mean depends, sometimes she doesn't know how to stay silent.' LingQi answered, interrupting Mitsuko before she spoke while giving her a mischievous look on her face.

'Wow this coming from you of all people? You practically talk me to sleep.' Mitsuko responded.

'Sounds like you should thank me then.'

'Thank you!? Please, if anything you should thank me for putting up with your comments.'

'Excuse you!' Mitsuko and LingQi started to argue playfully, knowing that neither of them mean what they say. Zheng Jiang chuckled slightly at this display, she was reminded of Gai Li and Lu Zheng when they could laugh like that. In the old days. Having that image in her mind she tightened her fist and steeled herself. That image gave her the words she needed to convey.

'Thanks.' She stated to both of them which confused them both as she walked forward.

'Men!' She began. Everyone went silent and those who were whispering in the shadows quickly stopped and gave Zheng Jiang their full attention.

'We're at the gates of victory here, after so long our war with that shameful opportunist is almost at an end. Although I know this wasn't like we envisioned it originally, we lost quite a lot of ground...our friends and family. And for that I'm sorry. However, their will is not lost! We still have them, in our hearts and our memories! I don't know about the rest of you but I cannot forgive Zhang Yan for taking them away! Once we breach the city we will have to fight like demons possessed, like our allies. Remember the faces of those you lost over the years, remember their words well. Remember their personalities for if you remember them, they're not dead! They're still with us! Once we breach the city let loose your rage at the enemy that took them away! But don't throw your lives needlessly, for this is only the first step. Remember why we trod on this path in the first place. To destroy the corrupt Han! Once the mountains is ours we will begin our descent upon those filthy elite who let everyone we know suffer! Now, raise your swords. Remember the fallen and give our enemies no quarter!' Zheng Jiang raised one of her axes high in the air. All of her soldiers raised their weapons in the air yelling including Gai Shu. A moment later some of Mitsuko's forces joined in. Then her officers. Gyuki unleashed a terrifying roar before Mitsuko's serpents extended towards the city and demonically screeched loudly as Zheng Jiang gave the order to charge as she began sprinting towards the city with everyone following her.

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