Chapter 77

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Unbeknownst to Mitsuko's forces, up above on a cliff an armoured teal warrior was watching their ambush with short brunette hair. His eyes green like emerald armed with a teal engraved longsword. He looked in horror as Mitsuko's forces slaughtered the opposition, the ambush made him grip his spear tightly and wanted to jump in himself.

'That blasted serpent! Killing everyone because she can...if I didn't have to report back to Jezha I'd try to kill you right now...but I know I wouldn't stand a chance. Enjoy your life while you can demon, for lord Jezha will strike you down.' He thought to himself, he noticed that for a while the ground that he was crouching on was rumbling though it was a very quiet rumble he didn't pay much heed to it. Until he suddenly felt the rumbles feel really close as he heard heavy thumping behind him.

'Oho, what have we here? Enjoying the scenery are we?' He heard a menacing croaky voice behind him. He opened his eyes in shock as he turned to see a giant frog. His main body was wrapped in a viridian green tunic though the slimy skin, mainly on the back of the frogs skin that was visible was mantis green while the more underbelly side had a darker laurel shade of green. The eyes bulges out of the side with black eyes quickly darting around, unnerving the other mystic. In regular intervals the man sized frog croaks, revealing its large vocal sacs. It sits up right while resting on its large back legs while its shorter front legs are equipped with a spiked club in its webbed right hand while the other one has a circular steel shield in the same viridian green. However in the middle of the shield was a yellow outline of a frogs face in sapphire blue.

'You...why are your people here!? You should be up there with your damn princess!' the teal clad warrior exclaimed with both confusion and contempt as it points its sword at the accursed creature who laughs loudly as with its mouth open revealing how large it actually was, it looked to fit an entire human being in there.

'She told you all that we would be free of our prison. And we are! She's quite amused watching you all wonder around aimlessly looking for your prey.' The sinister frog answered.

'Tch, so you know then do you?'

'How could we not? We watch you all from above. Poor you mystics, without a proper leader so you splinter into various tribes like primitive savages that you oh so look down upon. Oh how the mighty have fallen.' The frog laughed while the mystic warrior looked upon him with a furious expression.

'Silence! Order will soon be established, once lord Jezha slays the serpent you all will go back to your wasteland on the moon where you belong.' He stated.

'Is that so? Haha. You naive fool. Your lord will be slain and so will you if you get in our way. After all, we wouldn't you to die straight away. We need our vengeance first while you all suffer for what you did to us!'

'You all did that to yourselves when you drank the elixir like your princess and hid like cowards.'

'You drove us to extermination for no justifiable reason!' The frog warrior yelled loudly.

'Yet you unfortunately survived by running away. He shouldn't have bothered to spare you all, he was too sympathetic.' The mystic stated, shaking his head in disappointment.

'Yes, we did run, we did hide. Yes you trapped us...but we survived. You will suffer for your crimes, however before we can, we will slay the serpent and then you will watch helplessly as our glorious queen takes the power to claim dominion over your realm and your people that you all hold dear.' The frog laughed heartily as the mystic steeled himself.

'You will not do that on my watch traitor!' he charged towards the frog with his sword to his side going for a horizontal swing. Before he swung, the frog jumped high in the air. The mystic was shocked that he could jump so high, he never even saw a demon jump like that. As the frog descended it raised its spiked club high going for an overhead smash. The mystic had no choice but to leap out the way. As the frog landed, the cliff edge shook the ground before the frog leapt forward at a high speed. The mystic barely had enough time to roll out of the way.

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