Chapter 25

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Lu Bu's army emptied Puyang castle and marched towards Dingtao where Wu Zi is being held. The army halts and rests as the night took the place of the day with Dingtao barely on the horizon. Save for a few soldiers stuck on patrol duty everyone is sleeping for the battle tomorrow. On the outskirts Dodomeki and Gyuki overlook Dingtao with Gyuki standing and Dodomeki sitting on the chest he carried. Dingtao was a city without walls while being on a smaller scale compared to Luo Yang or Jian Ye. There are two main castles where the officials and the warlord reside in: Dingtao castle and Juye castle though they were larger than the other standard building though they didn't compare to the size of a true castle like Puyang. Wu Zi was being seiged at Dingtao castle though Juye castle seemed relatively untouched so far.

'So that's where tomorrow's battle will take place? Gyuki asks.

'Yep that's it. I'm surprised we don't see normal citizens act as dead decorations over the place.' Dodomeki replies.

'Well he is human despite what other humans say, it's not like they are resisting against him.'

'Perhaps...still I'm kind of disappointed by his lack brutality. Oh well no matter.' The two stay there in silence for a moment before Gyuki asks something.

'So this is where she's going to suffer her first loss?' Dodomeki nods.

'Yep that's it.'

'Are you sure we should stand by idly waiting for that to happen?'

'Yes, besides I think it will be good for her to know how defeat feels like.'

'Maybe...but still it feels wrong to not help her when we know she'll lose without our help.'

'You don't have to like it, hell I don't even like it myself but we keep through to our orders...though this was quite quick for him to respond I wonder why he responded this quickly.'

Just then they both hear a small grunt before being followed by a cheery voice.

'Perhaps I can answer that for you...once I get up that is.' Gyuki recognises his voice.

'It's the strategist hold on.' Gyuki walks over to the edge and pulls up Pang Tong by the back of his robe and places him on the ground. Pang tong immediately dusts himself off.

'Ahh thank you very much I appreciate it.' Pang Tong thanked him though Dodomeki wasn't too thrilled to see him.

'What are you doing here strategist?'

'Me? I'm just a simple strategist doing a bit of a reconnaissance for my lady is all. When I was walking I saw two very strange shadows that I thought I'd investigate.' He responded as he tips his hat down slightly as Dodomeki sighs.

'So how much did you hear?'

'Oh I didn't hear anything at all, especially not the part where you were going to let her lose the battle on purpose and not assist her.' Dodomeki storms up to Pang Tong and begins to lose his cool over his tone of sarcastic voice. He thought that the strategist was alluding to him and Gyuki being disloyal to Mitsuko which touched a nerve.

'Listen here strategist you have no idea what's going on here but despite what you think we are not being disloyal to her!' Gyuki puts a calm hand on his shoulder and Dodomeki sighs realising that he was out of line and refines himself. Pang tong simply chuckled in response.

'You misunderstand me. Sure I do not understand your reasoning but I can tell that you are indeed loyal to her which is all I need to know at this point. However there is a reason I'm actually here, I implore your assistance.' He bows respectfully as the demons look at him with confused expressions.

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