Chapter 100

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Trigger warning: CW – Mention of personal loss/tragedy and attempted suicide.

A couple of days later Mitsuko was informed by Pang Tong that he extracted all the information that was needed. 'Finally' Mitsuko thought to herself as she brought her officers to the main palace and laid out the enemy's information. From the position of the stronghold to military strength, layout of the general land and the best possible way to attack aswell as any strategies laid out by Pang Tong.

'We have what we need your highness, perhaps now we should proceed with the attack before they become they can recover, we don't have a lot of time left before they are able to launch another offensive, this time I do not think we'll be able to hold them.' Pang Tong advised as he laid out a map of Zhang Yans city and the surrounding land.

'I see...' was all Zheng Jiang replied. With a palace full of guards waiting for the order to be given yet none was made. Instead it looked like she was contemplating as she stroked her chin. Even Gai Shu looked at her puzzlingly, surely this is what she always wanted to do right?

'Yes, that would make sense...however what if your information is wrong?'

'It isn't.' Mitsuko stated back abruptly

'But what if it is? What if we're walking into a trap. I can't risk my men on that.' Zheng Jiang said which left most people including her husband perplexed.

'I'm sorry what? Are you saying you won't go on the offensive? After everything?' Mitsuko questioned.

'I need to consider the safety of my people.'

'And do you really think they'll be safe cooped up in this castle waiting for their demise?' LingQi asked.

'They have a better chance of surviving.' Zheng Jiang retorted, raising her voice defensively.

'Oh no, you can't really believe that. The only reason you survived this long is because of the fact they couldn't find you. Now they have, you won't survive if they send their full army again.'

'We can endure.'

'With respect my lady, we don't have the numbers to defend from another assault.' Gai Shu whispered as he leant in towards Zheng Jiang who looked more frustrated and annoyed by him and push him away.

'Nonsense! We'll endure. We always have.' The palace guards started to look at each other with concern. Whispers started to emerge, something that didn't please Zheng Jiang all too well.

'So you're saying you won't launch the offensive then? No matter what? What about Lu Zheng? Where is she?' Mitsuko questioned, noticing her absence.

'She's on patrol at this moment in time.'

'Oh? I thought she went out a few days ago, shouldn't she be back by now?' Pang Tong inquired, smirking behind his veil. Zheng Jiang shook her head.

'She'll be back soon momentarily...I'm...sure of it. I sent a few scouts to remind her that her patrol time was over.' She replied as she glances towards the ground.

'You think she would approve of this?' Mitsuko asked, trying to make Zheng Jiang see some form of sense. She shook her head.

'It doesn't matter as I am in command not her.' Mitsuko sighed.

'I thought you were supposed to listen to your advisors and followers.'

'I'm supposed to lead them. My decisions affect my entire people I cannot send them off to their deaths. Why do you insist in contesting me on this?'

'Because I'm trying to have you see some sense damnit! I don't understand why you're being so adamant of being passive when we need to start moving.' Mitsuko replied.

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