Chapter 114

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Weeks have passed since the conquest and the decimation of Zhang Yan's forces. The city was under control of Mitsuko and Zheng Jiang. Officially it belonged to only the bandit queen however due to her tenacity and aura of authority most people considered Mitsuko to be the true ruler. Particularly since Mitsuko was actively assisting in the reconstruction of the city while Zheng Jiang was dealing with more of the administrative affairs in the main palace, however did ask Mitsuko her opinions on things since she valued her input greatly. The remaining soldiers under Zhang Yans forces were either routed away from the city or surrendered to the alliance of the serpent and the bandit queen. All the soldiers help in the restoration efforts, reconstructing the housing of the commoners along with the walls. For the most part, the citizens grew used to Mitsuko and her strange looking allies especially since they were actively helping them rebuild, though some expectedly held a grudge. Plots and schemes were there, discontent with these usurpers who destroyed their homes and their families and wanted vengeance. And they would obtain it one way or another if they can get away with it.

A red sun rose from the horizon, greeting the newly formed Luna, now named Ironjaw as she kept her transformed demonic appearance. She was perched over a roof, overlooking the city. She kept her now transformed mace by her side next to her lying on the roof, ready to be grabbed at a moments notice while she is sipping on some tea she made for herself, as she watched the city slowly begin to be lively as the sun rose. The streets once empty of life, now begins to flourish with the people setting up stalls, doing errands and so forth.

'Ahh...fascinating.' She stated to herself.

'What is?' A familiar voice spoke behind her. She laughed a little when he made his presence known.

'The people, Dodomeki. I once thought of humans as boring creatures just like mystics...yet...I find myself fascinated by them.'

'In what way?'

'Humans seem to be creatures of habit, yet they implement changes based on the situation at hand. Look at all of them scouring around, getting started in the morning.'

'I never did take you one to be interested in humans of all things Lu-Ironjaw.' Dodomeki stopped himself. He was still getting used to the new name given.

'Haha, neither did I, yet when I look at them all, they're so varied. Each with their own stories to tell, each one can break habit if they so wish to. This one here leaving the house.' She pointed to a man that seemed to be the size of an ant to them leaving a house, seemingly in a rush.

'This one regularly cheats on his wife, more than likely makes up some story about business or whatever. He spends the night in that household and comes back in the morning to get supplies for his work. Yet here he is now, for some reason buying flowers for her when he hasn't previously. Little things like that can be interesting if viewed through a particular view.' Ironjaw explained her newfound interest in humans, especially since before she thought they were boring like mystics.

'I think you've just gone mad because you haven't been able to cause any sort of bloodshed recently.'

'Hahaha, perhaps I have. Is that enough for you to take my life now I wonder?' She grinned at Dodomeki who looked at her sternly.

'Hmph, don't tempt me. Lady Mitsuko believes you're worth more alive than dead, just give me a reason and your life will end immediately.' Dodomeki threatened. Ironjaw laughed at his statement. She remembers the day she surrendered like it was yesterday.

Luna after dropping her weapon was quickly tied up with her arms behind her and her weapon confiscated. As the celebrations slowly died down and Mitsuko was able to walk through the street without any interference, LingQi and Dodomeki quickly brought Luna to Mitsuko.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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