Chapter 88

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Zheng Jiang retreated further in the palace and found herself on one of the palaces balconies, overlooking the mountain range and large plots of land. She looked at this sight and sighed. She knows she should get in the mood for celebrations, considering she's the one who organised this banquet in the first place. But still, she can't stop thinking about Gai Li's death even though it has been a while. She wished she could just go back and enjoy herself even a little bit, though her guilt would overwhelm her. As she was thinking to herself, she didn't hear the door open and didn't hear Mitsuko coming behind her.

'So this is where you were.' Zheng Jiang was surprised to see Mitsuko next to her as she leans on the railing of the balcony with one of her snakes as the other slithers in the air next to her and hisses softly. Zheng Jiang before witnessed Mitsuko drinking the alcohol while chatting to her companion.

'You know the celebration you made is in the main hall right? Not out here?' Mitsuko asked as her words were a little slurred.

'Hehe. I do, though I thought I'd give myself a bit of a break. You seemed to be enjoying yourself though. I'm surprised you wanted a break away from that.' Zheng Jiang remarked.

'Well, it'd be a bit awkward to celebrate our newfound alliance if I was the only one that's there.'

'My apologies for that, its just that sometimes those types of gatherings are not really for me so sometimes I do need some time for myself.' Zheng Jiang apologised.

'Heh, I can understand that. Especially when you don't know who those people are but your supposed to talk to them and socialise. Yet you feel so awkward around them because you don't know what to say or anything.' Mitsuko chuckled, soon Zheng Jiang did the same.

'Then you must know about how some of them can talk such drivel that it just bores you and makes you wish you were doing anything else.'

'Oh yes! Especially when they're so pretentiously arrogant to the point you'd rather just punch them in the face, especially when they boast about themselves and nothing but themselves.'

'But alas if you do it will look bad on you so you just take it and hope they shut up.'

'But they never goddamn do!' Mitsuko laughed and Zheng Jiang joined in. For a moment, the worries that Zheng Jiang had just melted away. It was just like before. After their laughter, silence surrounded the two of them for a while, unsure of what one should say to the other after that. Mitsuko took a deep breath before speaking.

'Well I also know sometimes I don't want to deal with people if something is on my mind. Whether its something important or not. But still want to talk to someone about it.' Zheng Jiang glanced at her for a moment.

'Heh, I see the serpent has been helping herself to drink a little more than she should.' Zheng Jiang responded, trying to play it cool. Mitsuko's serpents look to Mitsuko as if wondering what to do.

'Well if that's the case, why don't we just have a chat about whatever is on your mind...if there is anything of course. I mean after all if you think I have had too much, one of the common side effects is memory I hear at least anyway right? So its not like I'll be able to remember anything come tomorrow and you would've shared a little bit of it. What have you got to lose?' Mitsuko responded. Zheng Jiang stared at her, wondering what she should do. Mitsuko does have a point, its not like she'll remember anything anyway. But still...would it be so easy to up? Should she take advantage of her ally while she's in this state? Using her to make herself feel good? She didn't know.

'Do you think its that easy? Just...opening up and letting someone listen to what you have to say?' She questioned.

'Oh fuck no.' Mitsuko answered immediately. Her answer surprised Zheng Jiang, she would've thought she would've said most definitely yes. Mitsuko looked to Zheng Jiang, then to the night sky filled with so many stars.

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