Chapter 24

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'Mitsuko...hey Mitsuko wakey wakey.' Mitsuko opens her eyes groggily to find a beaming Akari in front of her. She looks around more and sees several chairs and desks with a teacher's desk and a blackboard. She sees that she was sleeping at her desk.

'Oh...hey.' Mitusko responded clearly still sleepy.

'Did I disturb you my sleeping beauty?' Akari giggles as Mitsuko rolls her eyes.

'Actually no I was about to get up.'

'I'm surprised that you didn't run off as soon as the teacher left.'

'If I did he'd only track me down and call him doesn't help that he's the first one I have tomorrow.'

'You should've thought about that before you dozed off in class then.' Akari giggles as Mitsuko sighs again.

'Well its not like History is an important subject or anything there was no need for him to keep me after school for it.' Akari giggles again as Mitsuko stands up and puts her bagpack on the desk and began to pack her school supplies.

'Maybe you should sleep earlier?' She sarcastically suggests as Mitsuko shoots her a death glare.

'Maybe you should actually let me instead of calling me when its 10 o'clock at night.' Mitsuko finishes putting her school supplies in her bag and looks up at Akari who seems to be closer than she thought. It made her heart skip a beat.

'Ahem personal space?' Mitsuko exclaims as she sees a mischievous smirk forming on her lips.

'What about it?'

'I'd like you to respect mine.'

'What if I don't...what if I move in just a little closer?' She playfully teases her as she leans over the table getting a closer to Mitsuko who leans back in surprise with her face started to become flushed.

'I will...erm...I...' Mitsuko stammered her words nervously as she attempted to form a sentence.

'What if I move in a little closer, does it make you nervous Mitsuko? Does it make your heart race?' Akari inquires as she puts her right knee on the desk pushing herself up and becoming inches away from Mitsuko's face. Mitsuko tries to avert her gaze elsewhere though she could not pull herself away from Akari's alluring eyes.

'...Just a little bit.' She admits as Akari's smirk turns into a genuine smile. Mitsuko thought this was quite a way to go for a joke. However Akari closes her eyes and presses her lips together with Mitsuko's whose eyes widen with surprise before closing her eyes and letting herself get engulfed in the kiss.

She opens her eyes and sees the ceiling of her room. It takes her a second to realise that it was just a dream. Once it was a memory that she looked back on with happiness now it only brings her the taste of sadness and regret. She sits up and wipes the tears that were threatening to escape her eyes.

'If I'm not being haunted I'm gonna feel like shit. I guess that's what I get for not forgetting to remember. I suppose I do deserve it but I didn't mean to...'

Mitsuko's train of thought is broken as she finally hears knocking on her door.

'Give me a minute!' She yells as she got out of bed and changed into her military gear. The knocking still continues until she's donned her uniform and opened the door where Pang Tong was revealed.

'Hmm 647 knocks...that's not the best score I've ever seen.' He laughs.

'Did you count all the knocks you did at my door?'

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