Chapter 19

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'Mitsuko you awake?' Zang Ba asked as he knocked on her door.

'I am now, just give me 5 minutes to get dressed and I'll get out there.' She replies groggily as she opened her eyes due to the loud knocking.

'Ok just making sure.' He responds before walking away. Mitsuko yawns as she dragged herself out of the bed. It was a few weeks after their victory over Cao Cao. The officers and troops moved and made themselves at home including Mitsuko who had grown a new appreciation for having a solid roof over her head. Because of Lu Bu's victory being spread all over the province Warlords began to pledge their allegiance to Lu Bu, rebelling against Cao Cao. Word even spread to the north as shortly after their victory Lu Bu received a message from Yuan Shao who was at the time trying to conquer Ji Province.

He thought having Lu Bu at his side would be beneficial for his ambitions in the future. He sent a messenger to him asking for reinforcements with his battle against Zhang Yan. Chen Gong advised him that it would be beneficial for Lu Bu as he could be a potential puppet to be used in the future would he get in his good graces. Lu Bu however didn't care much though he wanted a good fight so he ordered the preparation of the main army to march. Lu Bu left behind his daughter along with a couple of other officers including Mitsuko and Zang Ba to look after their new home while they were away with a handful of troops. This was their first morning alone though Mitsuko still has a bit of trouble getting up early. She rubs her eyes to wake herself up more as she sits up on the side of her bed. She groaned for a second as she clasps her hands around her mouth as she leant backwards before forcing herself to stand up. She puts on her usual attire and grabs her scythe from her bed. The moment she opens the door she is greeted with the sun shining brightly in her face. That was something that Mitsuko has yet to be adjusted to. She used her hands to cover her eyes. As she got adjusted to the sudden bright light she sees Zang Ba snickering to himself.

'is there something funny I should know about?' She asked unamused. Mitsuko was a bit cranky for the first 10 to 20 minutes of waking up as she walks up to Zang Ba.

'Funny? I don't see anyone laughing.' he jested as he patted her shoulder.

'Whatever lets report to Ling Qi.' She said as she starts walking past him.

'I thought you would be a little more joyous seeing as the castle is a lot emptier.' He replied as he catches up to her.

'Well its definitely quieter I'll give it that but I think I've already established myself as 'that woman that hates mornings'.' She states out loud.

'Oh c'mon that's not're also the woman that brings us a bad omen.' He laughs as she shot him a glare. Eventually they found Ling Qi ordering some men to do some tasks for her. She finished ordering the soldiers and walked up to them.

'Looks like you're taking this whole being in charge thing seriously.' Mitsuko states.

'Do I have any reason to not do so?' she questioned looking quite offended by that.

'No of course not I was just saying...I erm...that is to say I don't not like it I just...argh.' Mitsuko began to get visibly frustrated with herself as Ling Qi chortles to herself.

'Don't worry Mitsuko I know what you meant. I just want to do the best I can for my father while he's away.' She turns to the side slightly, Mitsuko thought she saw a glimmer of sadness but also a bit of determination in her eyes as she stares to the side where the sun was rising. She wondered why that was or it could very well be her mind playing tricks on her but she doubts it.

'Anyway we have a fresh batch of recruits that need training that are just outside the barracks. As far as I know they're all green so feel free to use whichever methods you think will be the most efficient.' Ling Qi orders.

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