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"I pulled into my driveway at home and noticed a black Audi parked beside me. "Who is this?" I thought to myself. I stepped into the house and saw my mom pushed up against the kitchen table, kissing a tall, dark-skinned guy with long dreads. "Oh, Stormy! You're home!" she exclaimed, fixing her dress and hair. The man smiled at me and said, "How are you? Your mom talks about you all the time." I rolled my eyes and stormed upstairs to my room, tears streaming down my face. "She's really doing this?" I screamed to myself, thinking about my dad and how hurt he would be.

A knock came at my door. "Baby? Storm? He's not staying, okay? He just came to visit me, and I told you, he won't stay until you're ready." My mom explained. "Go away!" I yelled. "Honey, your dad would have wanted me to move on...I'm 36 years old...He would have wanted me to find love." I ignored her and closed my eyes, wanting to sleep and escape the situation.

My phone rang, and it was Zulia. "Hey bitch, you okay now?" she asked. "No, I came home, and the man was in my house!" I snapped. "Girl, he was in your MOTHER'S house!" Zulia emphasized. "Yo mama grown, she can do what she wants, Storm." "I'm not living here if he moves in. That's final." I said firmly. "Girl, you're so stubborn...there's no point in talking to you about it, so I'm changing the subject." "Whatever." I replied confidently. " I was on Facebook, and..." I tuned Zulia out, hearing noises from my mother's room next door.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now