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The guy wasn't cute at all, but he dressed nice and you could tell he had money.
He had golds in his mouth, with A gold necklace and a gold watch, even a gold pinky ring.
"Sure, why not." I said fake smiling.
I followed him to the bar.
The club was so packed that I was bumping into people as I walked through the crowd.
I had to squeeze to the bar.
I looked around for Ava.
I didn't see her.
It was some Latino girl dancing on stage to some R.Kelly.
"What you want to drink baby?" He asked me.
"Ughh, Hennessy, double shot." I said sitting next to him.
"2 double shots of Hennessy." He told the female bartender.
The club was beautiful.
Pink and red lights flashed throughout the whole club.
"Thank you." I yelled over the music to him.
"Your beautiful, any thing for you." He smiled.
I threw the shot back into my throat.
"You want another ?" He asked.
I shook my head, "Not right now, I'm on a mission." I said walking towards the stage.
I was looking around at all the different naked girls who were walking around.
No Ava.
I started to get frustrated.
Somebody tapped me on my shoulder.
I looked back to see the guy who bought me a drink.
"I never got your name." He said grabbing my ass.
I pushed his hand back, "Please don't touch me nigga."
He laughed, "I'm Alex."
I rolled my eyes, "I'm...17."
He shrugged, "I'm 21."
I folded my arms, "Well, your to young for me."
"Now coming to the stage, is Lovely Roses."
The Dj screamed then started playing City Girls.
I looked up at the stage and saw Ava in nothing on but some gold thongs and some gold gogo boots.
"She my favorite one." Alex said clapping.
"Ava !" I screamed out running closer to the stage.
Ava was climbing the pole and dropping down into splits. She was moving like she been doing it for years.
So much money was getting thrown at her.
I tried to jump on stage but by somebody grabbed me and pulled me down.
I looked back to see Angel.
"What you think you doin ?" She asked with a attitude.
"Saving my friend!" I yelled.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now