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I slept my whole birthday away.
I got up the next morning to see the news talk about Lilly's death.
This the 4th time it's been on the news since it happened.
I turned the tv off.
"I don't even know why I bought a tv!" I yelled throwing the remote to the tv and causing it to crack.
"Great! Now my phone and tv both is broke !" I said to myself.
My phone rang, it was the hospital.
"Hello ?" I said.
"Hello Miss.Williams ? This is Harry Hardy Hospital informing you that you can come pick up your child! He is ready to go home."
The best news I got all year.
I smiled ear to ear, "Oh yes ! Thank you! I'll be over to get him now."
I was jumping for joy.
I finally felt happiness.
I hurried to my car and got in.
I put my seat belt on then decided to get on Facebook.
A friend from school name Gina posted a obituary of Lilly.
They had her funeral, and I wasn't invited.
She invited a random hoe we hung out with like our freshman year though. That hurted.
I loved Lilly like my own Child.
I was her mother more then Zulia was.
Gina posted pictures of Zulia standing over Lilly's pretty pink casket.
Zulia looked dead. Sad. Dry.
The caption read, "Zulia didn't talk the whole service."
I went from happy, to sad all over again.
I wanted to throw my phone and destroy it again.
I placed my head on the steering wheel to gather my thoughts.
They started to make me feel like it was my fault.
If I didn't call the police on her, Maya wouldn't have came over mad, and left Lilly in the car.

A knock came upon my window.
I looked up to see Hundo.
He looked mad and worried at the same time.
He had a cigarette in his mouth.
"Aye! Can we talk ?"
I hesitated at first because I didn't know what his intentions were.
Then I nodded ok and popped the lock.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now