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Greg, this guy who's been crushing on me since 7th grade, walked up to my table while I was studying.
I tried my best to ignore him.
"What's up Storm."
He said licking his lips at me.
"Ugh..go away ." I snapped not taking my eyes off my text book.
"Man, let me take yo pretty yellow ass out yo eat one time ."
"No." I said dryly.
"Beat it." Zulia said to Greg then sat down infront of me at the table.
I giggled.
He walked off smacking his lips.
"Anyways..." Zulia said rolling her eyes flicking her long false eyelashes, " So, you didn't come to lunch, so that means your studying."
I nodded.
"Girl, your GPA like a 6.9..calm down."
I closed my text book , "Bitch..technically , I have a 4.0 and I can't stop going hard now...I need to get into that college."
"Your so uptight." She laughed.
"Bitch, just because you want to be a stripper after high school don't mean I want to be too."
I giggled.
"Fuck you hoe..."
we both laughed.
"Imma be the best stripper in Cleveland." She joked bouncing her tittes.
My phone vibrated.
My mom was texting me saying she was going to be late coming home and that I should order a pizza off her credit card.
I slapped my iPhone down in anger.
"That must be your momma."
Zulia asked folding her arms.
I nodded.
"Girl, stop being so mad should be happy for her! She found somebody to love after loosing a man she loved..this might be a good thing..maybe he could be a great step dad..especially if he met your mom at her job..that's two great incomes..why don't you give him a chance?"
She asked.
I Sighed, "I don't know about the step dad part, I have a dad..but I guess your right."
Zulia smiled, "Good, I'm happy you will try for your mom."
The bell rang, and we went out separate ways to class.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now