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Zulia had her bags on her shoulders but she walked out my apartment with hand cuffs on.
I smiled and blew a kiss at her.
She rolled her eyes and gave me a evil look, "Scary hoe !" She yelled over to me before the officers took her away.

I stuck Brittney and Greg's obituaries in a two sided picture frame that I bought.
I hung it on the wall.
"Now , y'all both can be together in heaven." I said staring at the picture.
I got a text message from my mom.
"Charles said that isn't his baby! He said your lying! He never had sex with you and that your lying."
I ignored the text, but then she texted me again, " He said he doesn't make albino babies anyways so it's very impossible."
How ignorant! I wanted to throw my phone!
They want to play them games ? I decided to go to the child support office and put Charles name down for my child.
When they find out our age difference, they might send him to jail.
I could get on some real petty ass shit.
All the bull shit I was going through, I just felt like being evil.
I decided to go over to my mother's house to talk to her and Charles face to face.
We all needed closure, and Zeek needed a father.
After that, I was going to go down to the child support office which was all the way downtown.
I swung open my door to see Maya standing there.
She looked so mad.
I was spooked.
"Why are you here! I called the police on your friend so go get her from the station !" I said in a scared voice.
Maya reached out and punched me in my nose.
It already wasn't fully healed from when Zulia hit Me.
I flew back and held my nose.
I was leaking.
"Snitch bitch ! She got a baby ! Why would you call a home invasion on her ?!"
"Get back !" I cried crawling to my kitchen to get a knife.
I didn't know how to fight! So I had to protect myself.
Maya was taller and heavier then me, I was scared.
"Get back over here hoe !" She grabbed my feet and pulled me across the hard wood floor, hurting my cut on my stomach.
I kicked her in her face.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now