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I eventually went to sleep and woke up to Zeek screaming to the top of his lungs.
I sat up and yawned.
I looked over at his crib and noticed he wasn't in it.
I looked around in a panic and saw Charles standing in my room window holding Zeek.
He was feeding him a bottle but Zeek was squirming around in his arms crying at the same time.
"He's not a new born, he can hold his own bottle." I snapped getting out my bed and going into the living room to see if Fanny lefted.
I didn't see her.
I hurried back into my room to get ready for school.
I took my shirt off and then my panties.
I didn't care that Charles was still in the room.
He stared at me like he wanted to eat me.
I stared back as I slipped on my half shirt and tight ripped jeans.
"Are you going to stay here with Zeek ? Or do I have to take over to Fanny's house?" I asked grabbing my purse and book bag.
"I'll watch him.. besides I don't think I can go back to my hotel right now. Sam might come over there."
He said sadly.
I let out a laugh, "You sound scared. I lost your key card anyways when I went to go get your shit bags."
I rolled my eyes and hurried out.

At lunch, I got a text from Fanny.
"I guess grandson is with his dad?" She asked.
I texted her back yeah.
I then got a text from Alex on Facebook.
I forgot to block him.
"Look shorty, I miss your voice."
I ignored him.
He texted again, "I'll be at your house when you get out of school."
I then got another message on messenger, and it was from Zulia.
My face lit up. I was happy to see her name pop up.
"Hey girl how are you? Can we talk when you get out of school?"
I was to thirsty to text her back and say yes.

I drove home all happy and smiley.
I couldn't wait to talk to Zulia when I got home.
She wasn't coming to school so it would of been nice to see where she was at.
Soon as I pulled up home, I saw Alex car next to my Apartment.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now