Chapter 19

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I woke up with Landen on the side of me on the couch.
We cried together on the couch until we fell to sleep.
I looked at my phone and noticed I had 15 missed calls.
I got excited.
I just knew one of them had to be from Fanny.
But it wasn't.
I had a couple calls from Alex,a few from Charles, and mostly from Zulia.
I looked over at Landen and watched him sleep.
He looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake him up.
I just let him sleep.
I didn't realize how sensitive and caring he was.
I should have known because the man would drive 15 minutes to Fanny's house every other day just to give her , her mail from her mailbox that is right next to her door when she steps out.
He say it's because he don't want nobody in the building to hurt her when she walks out.
I admired him In so many ways.
My door buzzed.
"That entrance door is closed today?" I asked to myself.
Usually it would be cracked and people could come right up.
I buzzed the person in, and waited by the door to see who it was.
It was Zulia.
I gasped and ran towards her hugging her as hard as I could.
She dropped her bags on the floor and hugged me back.
"I missed you." I said in her ear.
She squeezed me, "I missed you more."
I picked up one of her bags on the floor and took it into my house.
"Who is this fine ass man ? Is this Landen ?" She asked in a whisper.
I giggled and then nodded.
Landen started to wake up.
"Good morning sleepy head." I said to him then smiled, "I could order you guys some breakfast...and get it doorDashed."
I said looking in my refrigerator and noticing no food was in it.
"Its ok, I ate some food on the plane." Zulia said as she went through her phone.
"What the fuck did I do ?" Landen said to himself standing up looking at my clock in my kitchen.
He looked at Zulia crazy, then looked at me crazy, then he ran out my house staring at his phone.
"What's his problem?" Zulia asked looking confused.
I shrugged. It was kind of embarrassing.
A email hit my phone.
I looked to see it was the clinic giving me my results.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now