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"He was with them, I didn't know he was going to come!"
I started feeding Zeek his bottle.
"Why do you need money ?" I asked, "Your on dope too? Just like your daughter ?" I snapped.
"Your going to stop being disrespectful talking about her!" He snapped.
"Whatever bro." I said getting in my bed and laying down.
"Don't worry about why I needed the money ! It has nothing to do with you!"
"It does because you really ain't did to much for Zeek since you been home." I said.
"Look, I'm not about to sit on this phone and argue with you! Your a child! You need to go get tested for STDS."
A text came to my phone, and it was Zulia.
"Aye, I was meaning to ask, have you seen Hundo?"
That's one thing I lefted out, I never told her about me and Hundo.
I ignored the text.
"Charles, since you want me out your life, Zeek can be out your life too." I hung up.
I cut the lights off and tried to go to sleep.
I wanted to get up and finish my homework so bad but, my mind wouldn't let me.
It was so much I was thinking about.
I started crying out the blue.
I was crying randomly a lot lately.
I cried myself to sleep.

I woke up, it was Friday.
It was almost spring break.
I couldn't wait for it.
I needed time off from school.
Time off from rumors and gossip at school,and homework.
I called Charles.
"Look, I forgot to tell you last night that Fanny went out of town last night. I need you to babysit while I'm at school." I said plainly.
"Oh now you want me to watch him huh, you just said you wanted me out his life. Storm, Ava contracted hepatitis C using bad needles. She had it for a couple months."
My mouth dropped, "Wait, she shoot up drugs ?" I asked confused.
"Storm, you can catch that through sex. Alex might have it now, which means, you might too."
My heart dropped.
I felt like dying.
I started shaking and my body felt weak.
It was like I heard news somebody died.
I instantly started crying, "What?"
"I'll come get Zeek, but after School, you need to go to the clinic."
I hung up the phone, crawled in back in my bed, and curled up under the covers.
I couldn't fix myself to go to school at all.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now