chapter 42

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We laid on that mat Veronica laid under me as we gazed at the light nothing was said.


"Shh, I don't wanna talk right now I just want to be in this moment" she snuggled in closer.

We stayed quiet for a few more minutes and then I spoke again.

"I love you, Veronica, you are my best friend the only friend I had for many years, the one that knew the pain of losing a parent"

Veronica and I were close for so many reasons her mother being murdered and my father being kilt years later was just one of them.

"But you are in love with Iyanna, you want to marry Iyanna," she said with such a soft smirk.

"It's okay Stefano, I love you too and will always love you but sometimes no matter how much the dots connect it doesn't create a clear picture"

"Go get your wife and your happy life, Stefano"

She smiled again and I gave her one back.

I placed a kiss on her forehead before getting up and leaving.

I went over to Fernandos banging on his door.

¨You know what I find funny how you complain about this exact same thing yet here you are doing it¨

Fernando said angrily but I chuckled and walked in and sitting on his couch with my legs up.

¨What are you doing here?¨

¨I had a heart to heart moment with Veronica we kissed and in a split moment before we would have made love we didn't we just sat on the mat and gazed up at the light¨

¨Great story now why are you here telling me¨

¨Because I fucked up, I fucked up with Iyanna I fucked up with myself I fucked up but there is someone who I know who told me that when you fuck up you do everything in your power to make it right especially if it means a lot to you¨ Fernando said these wise words to me, it made him smile hearing me saying it to him.

¨Fernando I realize that Yes I did still love Veronica but that is because she is my best friend, someone that I grew up with up in the business at one point she was my only friend.¨

¨But the love that I have for Iyanna goes deeper than that, it wasn't made off of business and work it was made from-¨

¨True love¨ Fernando cut me off

¨I know something about that¨ He said looking over to the kitchen where is his wife stood.

He smiled at her beauty.

¨Ill talk to Iyanna for you¨ He said without me even asking him too.

¨How you don't even know where she is¨

¨Kid I'm apart of the mafia, finding people is apart of my job, besides its not many places she could be.¨

¨Now get the hell out of my house¨

I left out of Fernandos' house and headed back to mine.

I was glad that Veronica and I were at terms with each other and how we felt.

I knew that she loved me and still hoped for that dream that we planned when I was 16 and she was 18 but I knew that she also understood what I had now and how much it meant to me.

Fernandos pov

I've grown to like Iyanna I consider her as family, this wasn't only important to Stefano but to me too. Besides a Stefano without Iyanna wasn't a pretty one and I did not have the patience to deal with a drunk Stefano today.

I went down into the city and waited in an empty spot next to a cafe where my guys said she would be. And sure enough there she was walking out of the cafe.

¨You know I don't know how you do it¨ I spoke startling her.

¨Fernando?¨ she poke confusion covering her face but soon rolling her eyes.

¨Look tell Stefano I don't need a babysitter or someone to watch over me¨ she said in an angry tone and started walking away.

¨Trust me I'm not out here in the middle of January to see how you like your coffee¨

¨Im here because of Stefano¨ she stopped walking and turned around, worry showering her face.

¨What happened is he okay?¨ she spoke frantically.

¨For the most part, but he needs you Iyanna¨ I said as I began walking closer to her.

¨What he needs is to stop lying¨ she said with a snip of attitude.

These young folks always so hostile.

¨He means well Iyanna he truel does, but you have to rememeber that just because he has the role of an adult and leads like one hes still young just like you are, when it comes to certain things he doesn't know what to do or how to handle it, this, what you two have is new to him, hes putting his best foot foward everyday to try and better himself for you¨

Her eyes lowered in sympathy for him.

¨Your not no regular girl Iyanna, because for a regular girl I wouldnt be out here freezing my ass off to talk to¨

¨You bring the good out of him, you bring something out of him that no one ever that could be brought out of him¨

¨what you two have Is a remarkable love story, dont let that go yet without giving it all you got¨

And just like that I walked away.

I did my part now it was time for Iyanna an Stefano to do theirs.....

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