Chapter 52

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We boarded our plane and headed back to Chicago.

When landed we were greeted by Fernando and Veronica.

"Hey kid, missed you how was the honey moon?" Fernando said giving me a hug.

"It sure was an interesting one" I said patting him on the back.

"Hey, you look good" Veronica said giving Iyanna hug.

"So i'm guessing, training went well"

"This girl got some kick in her"

I said with a smile and my arms folded.

"I can see" Veronica said turning my face to the side where I had a bruise.

"Don't tell me you was going easy on her"

"Oh trust me if anything it was the other way around" Iyanna said.

"Well it's time for the real big test"

Iyanna looked at me confused but I knew exactly what V was talking about.

"And what is that?"

"Me" Veronica said with an eyebrow raised.

Veronica was one of the strongest fighters in her lead, she was a trained assassin and could even fight the best men put out to her.

"What do you say newbie, think you can handle a match with me?"

They both gave each other devil looks.

"Your on"

Iyanna put her bags in the car and we drove back to my office to the training room.

The girls went on the mat, and Fernando and I went to the top to watch.

"Ohh, a chick fight how hot"

One of the guards said coming in with a group

"The one with the black sports bra and curly hai-"

"I wouldn't finish that sentence, unless you wanna see your tongue on the ground"

I said shooting them a sharp look.

"Your not nervous?" Fernando asked.

"Nervous for what Iyanna or Veronica?"


"I'm worried that we're going to have to hold another funeral, I don't know how i'm going to explain that to Veronica's father" I said looking at him with a smirk and turning back to the mat.

"You really trained her well"

"No mercy just like you taught me"

I said with a smile keeping my gaze at the mat.

"So how you want this to go, wanna play fair or wanna get dangerous?" Veronica said picking up a knife.

"I married dangerous bitch" Iyanna picked up a knife and got in fighting position.

They began, they were toe to toe neck to neck every foot step veronica landed on Iyanna picked up.

Until Veronica sliced her shoulder.

"Looks like someone's getting tired" Veronica said with heavy breaths.

Iyanna looked up at me with darkness in her eyes, the same darkness I showed in my eyes when I was training her.

Iyanna launched at her each step she taking more stronger and faster, it caught Veronica off guard making her fall.

Iyanna jumped on top of her and pulled her head back by her hair.

She held the knife to her throat pushing harder and harder, If she had of pushed any deeper it was going to puncture her throat.

"Alright kid lets rap this up before someone gets seriously hurt" Fernando said.

"Ladies, good match" My voice said booming down at them.

Iyanna got off of Veronica, and she laid her head back in relief.

"She's good" Veronica said holding a thumbs up and smiling.

I went down to the mat.

"Come on baby let's get a bandaged on that" I said looking at her arm.

The cut wasn't too deep just a little slice.

"How does a drink sound in celebration of Iyanna's success in training and her great coach who did learn everything he knows from me" Fernando said walking behind us as I bandaged up Iyanna arm.

"Sounds like you just want to drink, don't you get enough of that"

"Hey I sure as hell don't" Veronica said walking up to us still sweaty.

"So it's settle" Fernando said throwing his hands up.

"Look the wife and I"

"You mean Just I, because the wife could use a drink after dealing with your bullshit for the last 2 months"

Everyone laughed.

"Alright then" I said taking the towel off my shoulder that Iyanna was using and stuffing it into a bag.

We walked out the door and was now standing in front.

"So where shall  we go somewhere rich for the taste or rotten for the liver"

"Depends, how drunk do you wanna get?"

"Oh with Fernando that's not even a question he always wants to get so drunk that he forgets his name and his wife has drag him home and it's usually half naked " I said whispering that last part and everyone laughed.

"Then we should go into the city, ain't no place can get you drunker then that" Iyanna said looking at Fernando as they all shared a laugh.

A blank tinted car drove by, and slowed down when getting to in front of the building, my gaze went over to it and my face fell with suspicion.

Someone came out the sunroof and looked our way.

They wore all black and held a gun pointed directly at us.

"EVERYONE GET DOWN" I yelled as everyone face fell dull hitting the ground.

The bullets hit the glass windows shattering them.

Fernando pulled out his gun to shoot but before he could the bullets hit him.

They let loose hitting him as each one went clean threw.

I couldn't move I couldn't get to him.


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