chapter 28

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Now I don't know if it was from the ringing in my ear that I heard the word dad.

But I knew for sure what Ricky voice sounded like.

I was still in a daze as my eyes tried to adjust.

"Come now Ricky you know we aren't a tease"

I heard Giovanni say to Ricky.

When my eyes finally adjusted I seen Ricky and Giovanni stand side by side looking at me.

"Well that's a ugly sight to see" I said as my head nodded.

"ouu even tied up to a chair defensively he still has time to make smart commentary" Ricky said walking over to my as he pulled my chin down to look at him.

"What can I say, it's in my nature" I said pulling my head away from him.

"So care to tell me the lovely fairly tale of the long lost wicked father and son, or are you going to stand there all day"

"Oh Stefano, i'll keep it short, you see after my father 'disappeared' Your dad took me in and that's how I met you and for years I grew up in your shadow, until my father became a leader of his own, that's when my father and your father tried to keep things professional but the itching thought at the back of my father neck knowing that your father didn't deserve what he got was too much to keep buried under neath and yea well you know the rest"

"Ricky if your sitting here saying to my face that you killed my father you better hope that fat ass head of yours can jump over the table before I take shot or your knocking on deaths door tonight" I said growling as I leaned further out of my chair.

"Settle down baby stef, I had nothing to do with the killing of your father that I think is a story to be told by someone else" He said walking away as Geovanni walked up to me.

"My brother and I got into a nasty argument, that turnt into an even nastier fight I didn't want what happened to happen but it did"

I sat with my head down as it shook with anger.

"When your father was kilt, I hate to say it but I felt a sigh of relief knowing that all that power that he had 'earned' was now going to be handed over to me, but then just then I heard that the son of the fallen king would take over and it just made my blood boil"

"He was just a kid he wasn't meant to be a king I was, I worked the hardest"

"Sounds like to me your just a jealous old pig" I said with a laugh and Ricky came over and hit me.

I Bled and blacked out.

"Stefano, Stefano"

A voice called out.

"Stefano open your eyes you gotta open them".

I opened my eyes to see my father.

"Papa" I whimpered

"Its me Stef i'm here" he said with a smile as he bent down to me.

"I'm so sorry i'm sorry I screwed up"-"Hey no you didn't, Stefano i'm beyond proud of you, your running this business better then I did, you've done nothing wrong you hear me"

"I miss you papa"

"I miss you too son but I promise you i'm with you every step of the way" he said leaning in and hugging me as I placed my head in his shoulder.

"Hey that's a pretty nice girl you got there, you sure picked better then I did with your mom" he said and we both laughed.

"Alright you gotta wake up now, you gotta open your eyes you can't stay here for long"

Tears streamed down my face knowing I couldn't stay.

"I love you papa"  I said looking at him with a smile.

"I love you too my boy, my king" he said with a smile back.

I began to walk away.

"Hey" he called out before I walked out of this shadowy room.

"Tell Fernando next time he has a heart attack im taking his ass with me" he said with a great big laugh, one just like Fernandos.

I smiled and walked away.

When I woke up I seen Ricky close in my face.

"He's not dead" he said backing up and walking over to Geovanni.

"Oh I get it, the debt was always meant to be paid in my blood"

"This was your plan the whole entire time, from that day you sent those two guys to my house, and found Iyanna there instead"

"Oh no that was all me, See I knew you always had a thing for her I just wanted to see how far you would go with this lie" Ricky said with a small laugh

"My death was the debt all a long so you could become mafia king"

"What can I say it's a big price to pay" Giovanni said cocking his gun back.

At that moment something came on to me , I didn't know what it was but I felt this strength come upon me and this pure beat in my heart, I  felt my father pass through me.

"Oh Goevanni didn't anyone ever teach you never hold somebody hostage in a wooden chair"

I said looking up at him with a smile, his eyes narrowed and he was confused.

Then that's when I fell back in the chair and it broke, The ropes loosened and I slipped out of them.

Ricky fumbled for his gun but I tackled him and he hit his head knocking him out I grabbed his gun and went towards Goevanni.

"Come on think you stand a chance old man" I said pointing my gun at him as he did the same.

"Funny that you do" he said as we stood at gun point.

"Of course I do, I'm a Casanova" At that point Geovanni tried to shoot but the gun seemed to be empty.

I smirked and kicked him down to the ground.

I placed my gun to the center of his head.

"Tell the Devil I said Hi" and I shot him three times once in the head and twice in the chest.

When I went back over to where Ricky laid his body was gone, he must of snuck out when the commotion was going on.

I stood above Geovanni body that laid in a pool of blood.

"No hard feelings on being a deadbeat uncle, and don't worry i'll send your son with you soon" I said walking away from him.

It was dark outside and no one was in the office, they had one hell of a surprise to see tomorrow when they came in.

I was beat up pretty badly so I went to the hospital to get some stitches.

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