Chapter 59

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While I've been resting Iyanna has been handling all of the meetings and things around the business.

"When are you coming back?" Gordon said over the phone.

"What, don't like the new leader?" I said with a chuckle.

"She's more of a pain in my ass than you are"

I laughed again.

"Watch it that's still my wife"

"Yea I see she carries the Casanova name and its traits very strongly". He said with a smug attitude.

I chuckled once more before hanging up.

A knock went at the door and I headed downstairs.

A package was left at the door with Iyanna's name on it.

I figured it was something she ordered.

¨Ḧey babe one of your packages just came in the mail¨ I said through facetime with her.

Her face fell with confusion, ¨I didn't order anything¨ I gave the box a glare, and Iyanna and I fell silent.

¨You know what I'm just about to leave the office when I get home we can open it together.¨ She said with an unusual smile like she was in a rush.

Iyanna Pov

The convo had ended and I wrapped things up at the office, but before I could head back home there was one more stop that I needed to make.

¨Hey girl everything okay, seemed like you were in some trouble¨ Naomi said as I sat down at the cafe table.

¨Yea girl everything alright?¨ Jessica added on.

I sat with my breath shakey and panic on my face.

¨You look like your going to throw up¨

¨That's because I might¨ I said clutching onto my bag.

They looked at each other confused.

I opened my bag and fumbled through it before placing what I was looking for on the table.

Their eyes widened and their mouth dropped.

A positive pregnancy test. I was pregnant.

They squealed and screamed so loud everyone turned their heads to look at them.

My face still stayed with panic as sweat covered it.

¨She still looks like she needs to throw up¨ Naomi said looking at Jessica and pointing at me.

¨That's because I do¨

¨Is it because of the baby or the panic on your face?¨

¨A little bit of both¨ We sat in silence before someone spoke again.

¨When did you find out?¨

¨This morning¨I said finally letting out the breath I had been holding in since I found out.

¨I figured constant nausea and late period had to do with something¨

¨And by the look on your face Stefano doesn't know¨


¨Well look you have nothing to worry about you and Stef is loaded¨ Jessica said which made Naomi nudge her.

¨Its not about the money, Jay¨ Naomi said looking at her

¨Take into consideration that they're only in their still young ¨

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