chapter 23

706 23 1

I touched her cold body frantically as she laid there motionless , blood covered my hands from her body.

The side of her head was drenched with blood with a wide gash at the top of her head, her neck covered in bruises and her legs. The side of her panties were torn.

I stood up still frantically looking for a phone, there was blood on the side of the counter, there was blood on the steps, there was blood everywhere.

My hands shook and trembled as I called 911 still looking at Iyanna body not move once, they said a ambulance was on its way but I couldn't take the chance of it being to long and her not making it, she already wasn't showing any signs of life.

"Come on baby your not gonna die on me" I said scooping her up and running out of the apartment into my car.

I sped off quickly zooming through traffic and soon arriving in front of the hospital.

"HELP ME, SOMEONE PLEASE" I said as I kicked in the hospital doors holding Iyanna lifeless body in my arms.

A stretcher was brought over and they laid her on there they began to check her pulse and for any sign of response.

"Pulse is weak and her eyes is not responding to light movement" the nurse said feeling her neck and then flashing a lot in her eyes.

I walked with her the whole way into they took her into the swinging doors. "Sir , Sir you have to wait here, we'll let you know how everything goes".

The nurse said stopping me and then walking in between the swinging doors.

I couldn't think straight I walked to the waiting room but I couldn't stop moving I was covered in Iyanna's blood on my hands on my shirt on my face.

All I could think about was how much blood there was and how she never moved not once.

I needed someone else to be here with me, the suspense was too much for me to handle I was going crazy waiting.

So I called Fernando to come by the hospital, I didn't explain anything over the phone I just told him that it was an emergency and he needed to be here.

I soon saw Fernando come through those hospital doors frantically looking around.

I approached him and his eyes widened at the sight of blood.

"What happened kid are you alright !?" he said pulling back at me and looking at all the blood.

We walked over to the waiting room and I began to explain "It's Iyanna I-I walked in the apartment an-and there she was just laying on the floor covered in blood and she wasn't moving, Fernando she wasn't moving".

I said as my eyes began to water and he pulled me into a hug.

"It's alright kid your gonna be alright" he said still holding on to me tightly.

We sat in the waiting room and we sat and we sat,the sound of the ticking clock every time it passed through was getting louder and louder.

I sat with my hands to my face still covered in blood as my head raced on what happened, why it happened, and how I wasn't there.

Until finally a doctor came out, "Are you Mr.Casanova" A male doctor in a white coat said with a clip board and pen in his hand.

"Yes!" I said standing up frantically. "Well the good news is we managed to stabilize Iyanna in time, the not so pleasant news is she suffered a lot of head trauma and her recovery process will be a long one".

He said with a dull face, I let out a breathe knowing that she was okay but quickly sucked it back in knowing she was going to suffer.

"When can I see her" I said with hope in my voice that I could see her now. "Soon,right now the nurses is checking her into her room and she's resting, a nurse will come get you as soon as she has settled" my face dulled down.

"You did good, If you hadn't of brought her in when you did we would of had been having a different conversation" he said with a not fully smile before walking away.

I just walked back over to my seat and let out a breath, "She's gonna be alright kid" he said patting my shoulder.

Although Fernando didn't know much about Iyanna he knew that she was a good person, and a person that I truly cared for.

So it pained him to see not only me hurt but her hurt too.

Time passed by and it felt like I was in a endless loop of emotional pain.

"Mr Casanova you can come visit now" a female nurse said gesturing for me to come and then walking to the back.

I followed her in a quick motion until we reached a room and the nurse opened a door.

Iyanna laid in the bed bed sound asleep with a oxygen tube up her nose and stitches on her head.

I walked in the room with devastation on my face.

Her face was swollen and bruised.

The sound of  the machine connected to her beeped slowly as I sat down in a chair next to her bed.

I rubbed her cheek slowly and smirked, not just because she was going to be okay but because after being cold for so long, her cheeks still glowed with warmth.

I had never cried before not even at my fathers funeral I was always a suck it up and turn it into anger type of guy.

But when It came to seeing Iyanna laid like this, tears just overflowed.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry" I said standing above her and rubbing her head gentle as tears fell down my face.

I sat beside Iyanna for hours until a lite tap was placed on the glass to Iyanna's room.

It was Fernando gesturing for me to come out the room.

I exited and stood next to him as we watched Iyanna.

"How is she" Fernando said in a low whisper since the hospital was really quiet. "She hasn't woke up yet but the doctor said she will pull through"

"She's strong" Fernando said looking at me with a smirk. "That's why I fell for her I knew she was the moment I seen her" I said looking at Iyanna with adoration in my eyes.

"This was my fault I brought her into this and I knew what type of trouble it would bring to her"-"Hey don't start that beating your self up shit, Yes this job comes with some bumps and bruises and yes the people that you care about  is bound to get hurt, shit my lady wants caught a bullet in the arm because of me but if the way they feel about you is as crazy as this fucking job, I guarantee you they would do it again without hesitation and I'm telling you right now Stefano that girl right there would do it a thousand times" he said pointing to Iyanna.

I smiled at the thought of Iyanna being the Bonnie to my Clyde but it still scared me of what consequences would come with it.

"I'm gonna find the mother fucker who did this, and i'm going to make him plead for mercy before I hold a gun right to the center of his head,watch him take his last breath and then blow his brains out everywhere"

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