Master of Illusion

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You make it to the bridge. There's a police barricade and people behind it. Mysterio is at the top of the bridge.

You begin climbing to the top, while people are either cheering or berating you. Some were convinced you were behind the robberies.

You make it to the top and face Mysterio.

You: Looks like you got some people against me, but not all. What's next?

Mysterio: This.

He shoots orbs of fire from his fingers, disorienting you and pushing you off the bridge. You stick to the side to keep you from falling more.

Mysterio: I'm not a fan of cliffhangers.

He shoots an energy beam from his finger at the side of the bridge, causing debris to fall towards you.

You: I'm not falling for that—

Then, your spider sense goes off. They end up being real chunks of stone, and they hit you. You fall into the water below as Mysterio menacingly laughs.

He turns and waves at the crowd below, some of his fans cheering. He then deploys smoke, and disappears.

You emerge from the water and gasp for air. You look up and see no sign of Mysterio.

You: Great. The Wizard of Oz got the best of me.

You start swimming to shore.

• •

{Later That Day}

After drying off back at home, you lay on your bed. You wonder where Mysterio has gone and what his next move would be.

Your phone rings and you see it's Captain Grimes. You never gave him your number as Y/N, but you did as Spider-Man. He must be calling your alter ego.

You: Captain?

Captain Grimes:'s good to hear you're okay.

You: Just went for a swim is all.

Captain Grimes: I'm not supposed to be talking to you...with you being a wanted fugitive and all. But, I do believe you're innocent. That Mysterio guy must be behind this.

You take a breath, it was a relief that somebody in the police force believed in you.

You: I don't know what's his angle in all this, but I have to stop him.

Captain Grimes: Look, I might have some info on who this guy may be. You think you can meet me?

You had already began dressing back up as Spider-Man as you were talking.

You: All right. Send me the address.

• •

Captain Grimes sent you his home address. He had a guest house behind his actual home which had a computer. Carl, Judith, and Lori were inside while you and Rick were in the guest house.

Captain Grimes was looking over the webbing you took from the museum yesterday.

Captain Grimes: This looks like a studio prop.

You: Think so?

He begins ripping it apart, and finds a tag inside of the rope-like material.

Captain Grimes: Fenway Studios?

You: Ring a bell?

Rick begins typing in his computer, looking over people employed by the studio and the suspects on his paper.

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