Mount Sinai

678 37 19

{The Next Day}

AJ, Tenn, and their friend, Judith, leave the movie theater and walk down a sidewalk in Central Harlem. They are friends of his from Alexandria Visions Academy in Brooklyn.

Tenn: Was it better than the previous ones?

Judith: Not as scary, that's for sure.

They had just come out from seeing a matinee showing of Scream 4.

AJ: I'll give it a 3 out of 5. Nothing beats the original.

They two keep walking and reach a crosswalk. They wait for the signal.

Tenn: Sucks that Enid couldn't make it, eh?

He nudges AJ, messing with him over his knowledge of AJ's crush. AJ chuckles.

AJ: Fuck off, dude. She said she was busy.

Judith: Ooh, the "I'm busy" rejection. That hurts.

AJ: You guys are assholes.

They cross the street.

Judith: We're just messing with you. You should ask her out before a guy like Gill does.

AJ: Yeah...I'll just wait for the right time.

Tenn: Don't worry about Gill. He's too preoccupied with the Spider-Man club.

Judith: Oh, yeah. My mistake. He'd go out with Spider-Man before even thinking about asking out Enid.

They hear a car horn, and look at a parked vehicle. It's Michonne, her step-mother. She had gotten married with Rick Grimes about a year ago.

Judith: I have to go. Thank you guys for inviting me to the movies.

AJ: No problem, see you later.

She hugs the both of them and enters her car. Captain Michonne gives a simple wave at the two teens and drives away.

Tenn looks at AJ.

Tenn: Alright, now with the non F.O.S out of the way—

AJ: F.O.S?

Tenn: Friend of Spider-Man.

AJ laughs as they continue walking. They begin to lower their voices.

AJ: I'm not Spider-Man. It's Kid-Arachnid.

Tenn: It's literally the same fucking thing, dawg.

AJ remembers when he first told his best friend of his abilities. It was a couple weeks after he revealed it to you. He wanted somebody to talk with aside from Spider-Man himself.

Tenn: Anyways, I've been working on ideas for some H.U.D improvements for your mask. There's also this thing I've thought of to help you manage crimes in the city, like an app. Maybe you and Spider-Man can use it...

You: An app? Really?

Tenn: Yup. Can't think of a name for it though. I'll put a pin on it.

AJ pats Tenn's back as they walk. He pulls him in for a side hug.

You: Where would I be without you, man?

Tenn chuckles.

Tenn: Every hero needs his guy in a chair.

AJ's phone rings. He sees that it's his mother. He answers it.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant