Part 57: Two Heroes EP. 6

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Hey readers, hope you enjoy!

<Izuku's POV>

"The routes blocked!" Iida announced, as we just past the 80th floor.

"What do we do? Break through it?" Todoroki questioned, heavily breathing from running up stairs.

"If we do that, I'm sure the security system would alert the villains that someone is in here." Melissa interject while being piggybacked on Atlas.

"Why don't we go through here?" Mineta questioned, opening the door to much of our disapproval.

<Ryukyu's POV>

"Use the barriers to trap them on the 80th floor." The boss guy with a metal mask commanded, directing two lackeys to go after them. "Don't let those kids escape."

"They didn't listen." All Might silently complained, before he slightly chuckles to himself. "Though. They wouldn't be inspiring heroes if they didn't do anything."

"R-Ryuko. D-do you think Izu is alright?" Inko quietly questioned, as I simply nod. 'I hope so at least. Please be safe Izuku.'

<Izuku's POV>

"Is their an other way to get up?" Todoroki questioned, while we run through the hallways.

"Their should be an other emergency staircase down on the other end of the hall." Melissa informed, riding Atlas in his dragon form that's slightly bigger than a horse.

"Then we should hurry!" Iida suggested, only for a blast doors begin to close.

"The one's behind us too!" Momo exclaimed.

"Todoroki!" I commanded, as Shoto freezes the closing gate while Iida kicks down a door on the side.

"Quickly! We can cross through here!" Iida announced, everyone following him into a massive room filled with plants.

"What is this place?" Mina questions in awe.

"It's a plant factory. Here's where they do research on the effects of quirks on fauna." Melissa informs.

"Shouldn't it be flora not fauna-?" Atlas mutters to himself, only for Jiro to cut him off.

"Hold on! Look, the elevator is going up!" Jiro announced, pointing to the rising number.

"Don't tell me that the villains have already found us?" Mineta begins to panic.

"If they already have, because of you Mineta. Everyone we should hide and let them pass." I ordered, as we all enter the bushes.

"I wonder if we can use that elevator?" Denki questioned.

"No. Only authorised people can use the controls unfortunately, and it's built like a bomb shelter so we couldn't if we even tried." Melissa countered, working up Mineta in the process.

"Of course we can't go the easy way." Mineta complained, only for the ding of the elevator to frighten him.

'The clothes are the same as the one's from the party.' I thought to myself, while they continue to walk further. "So they said the kids came in here"

"Of course they pick the place with so many hiding spots." The lanky human complained, causing some of us to hold our breaths. "Hey! We see you, you stupid kids!" 'Why do I smell caramel? Am I really that hungry?'

"What did you say, you Slender-man wannabe!" Bakugo challenged, causing me to tap Momo's arm.

"What are you two doing here?" The chubby human questioned both Kirishima and Bakugo.

"That's what I want to know." Katsuki countered, death eyeing Eijiro.

"Come on man, let me handle this." Red head countered, walking in front of Bakugo. "We kind of got lost, looking for this party, can you point us in the right direction?"

"Don't lie to me-!" The lanky villain began his attack, only to be countered by 50 cal sniper rifle shot through his arms and legs. Without missing a beat his partner transforms into a purple monster, only to be pinned down by a flaming dragon stopping his movements.

"What the hell!" Purple man shouted, as Momo walks up and tranquillises him.

"What the hell is happening here?!" Katsuki commanded, as I point to the elevator. 'Destroy it!'

"Villains have highjacked I-island security system." I answered, while Atlas melts all the mechanical parts.

"Y-you brats!" The lanky human shouted, beginning to activate his quirk.

"Quiet!" I countered, releasing a wave of flames at him. Sealing the bullet wounds and knocking him out with pure heat. "We need to get to the top, so that the pros can do their job."

"Let's go up there." Todoroki stated while pointing to a walkway above us. Nodding we all stand near him as he creates a pillar upwards.

<Ryukyu's POV>

"Boss! The brats easily took down the guys you sent, and also destroyed the elevator!" A guy on the other side of the earpiece informed.

"Damn, those kids must be trained. Start searching for them on the system, I'll make my way up now, and lure them into a spot where the security drones can take them." The metal mask villain ordered, while working to the door. "Also, lose the chatter. We don't know if one of them has a quirk that could spy on us." With the door closing behind him. 'Annoying to replace, but destroying the elevator is a good call Izuku.' Looking over to All Might, I notice slight steam emitting off of him. 'Come on Izuku, I don't know how much longer All Might has.'

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