Part 9: Ramifications

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Hey readers, hope you enjoy.

<God's POV>

"Operator here, what is your emergency?" The operator said.

Before long, the operator hearing the sound of scraping, the phone hitting a bush and a vehicle with dodgy breaks comes screeching to a halt. "Hurry up, f-ers. The pol- can show up any time, and this kid is worth 100'000'000 yen!" (Barely under million US dollars, like what the fuck?!)

After quickly tracking the operator called out. "All available officers in 34th X street, please respond. Their is a kidnapping in process."

Moments later a male voice calls out. "This is detective Naomasa, I'm here with the pro hero All Might. We are on route."

<Detective Naomasa>

After taking a short ride on All Might's back, we arrive on a normal street with seemingly nothing happening. "Are you sure this is where the call was?" All Might questioned.

I scan the area around me, noticing a slight glow coming from a rose bush. Walking over, I found a phone and a dart on the ground with a bit of blood on it. "Yes, this is the right spot. We were too late." Looking straight at All Might, pulling my phone up to my ear. "This is Detective Naomasa, signs of a tranquilliser dart and the victims phone found with no sign of said victim."

<Kidnappers POV>

"Shit man, that was close. We would had to deal with All Might!" The driver said, turning to a side ally.

"It wouldn't have mattered anyway, our customer gave us multiple quirks for those issues. All Might is good, but he ain't that good!" The leader of the said, as he cuffs Izuku with quirk nullifying handcuffs. "What is so special about this kid, to a person who has every quirk in his hands?"

"Hey maybe we can turn our back on him and sell the kid for even more!" One of them said, making mostly everyone agree with.

"No, this is why I'm the boss. You want to turn your back on the guy that has every quirk that he can track and kill us with?! You want to fucking die, then go take a swan dive off a building and pray that you don't fuck us over in the afterlife!" The leader yelled.

"And what stops us from putting a bullet in your head?" As one of them pulls a gun at his head, the rest agreeing with this turn of advents.

"It'll bounce right off, you fucking moron. The rest of you may have got two quirks, but I have shock absorption meaning that everything that you guys can do I can send it right back." With a deadly gaze on his face. "And now it's to late. We are here."

The gang gets out of the van, carrying the kid to a man in a suit. "Ah, there you are. Just on time to, very impressive." The man said, while giving a polite clap.

"Alright All For One, we have the kid, now time to show your end of the bargain." The same one who pointed the gun at their leader said.

"Last time I checked you are not the leader of this group. Plus, I thought that you had betrayed me. I don't like that one bit." At that he sent blackish red claws at them all the kidnappers besides the leader, killing them all.

After sighing, the last kidnapper spoke. "How did you know that they betrayed you?" He asked.

"Check under your left side collar." AFO said, as a fat grey monster with a brain and beak walks out.

"You bugged me?!" He said, as he watches the creature consume his former colleagues and picks up the kid.

"Yes I did, in this profession you can't be to care. And the kid's quirk is called Hell-Flame Dragon. But the thing that makes it special is that it has the ability to choose who it burns, a ability that has never appeared in all my years of quirk collecting." AFO explained with a huge grin on his face. "Now onto business."

<Ryukyu's POV>

"I-Inko, p-please~ claim me~!" I said, tied to the bed with nothing but bondage equipment on. All joy faded when I felt something off, and it had to do with Izuku. "Something's wrong Inko, please untie me. Watermelon." At this Inko began untying me, and my phone began to ring. I pick up. "Hello, this is Ryuko."

"Hi, I'm detective Naomasa. I called because we have reason to believe that your son has been kidnapped." At this I began getting dressed into my hero suit that Inko tried to stop me from bringing.

"Me and my wife are overseas at the moment, please contact Mitsuki Bakugo. She is the one we left our son to take care of him, her number is XXXX-XXXX and she lives on 29th on Xx street. We are on our way." I said hanging up. "Inko, we need to start packing. Now."

<Katsuki's POV>

"Old Hag, Izuku is not in his room or at his home." I 'said', slamming the door behind me.

"Then where the fuck is he? Brat do you have his number? Why the fuck didn't he give me his number!?!" Mum said (Yes in my head I call her mum, got a problem with that extra!), pacing around the room stressed. 

A knock came from the door, that I rushed over to slam open. "Deku I swear to god if this you, I'll blow you to hell and bac-!!!" I yelled at a man in a brown drench coat.

"Hello, I'm Detective Naomasa. Is their a Mitsuki Bakugo that lives at this address?" He questioned, before my entire world comes crumbling down.

Thanks for reading, and peace!

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