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After you all have been told about what was about to happen in the Triwizard Tournament you could go back to your dorms.

The first task would be taking place in one week already.

As you and Harry walked out of the great hall, both of you in shock, you felt someone grabbing your wrist.

"Okay now you can tell, how did you both put your name in it?" Cedric asked.

"We didn't, Cedric." Harry said.

"Hmm, alright. Are you coming with me to my dorm Y/N?" He asked.

"Uh I- I think I'm just going to sleep. It has been a long night and I'm kinda tired." You said.

"Okay then." He said  plainly and walked away.

"He doesn't believe us." Harry said after a short silence. "I don't get it. He knows that I'm scared for this Tournament." You sighed.

"We'll be fine Y/N." Harry said putting his hand on your shoulder. "We can do this together okay? We'll manage to get trough." He smiled.

A sigh left your mouth. "How can you be so.. okay with this?" You asked.

Harry sighed. "I don't know I- I think I'm just used to.. you know? All this stuff." Harry said.

You nod your head and wrapped your arms around Harry. "I'll be here for you." You said. "And I will be here for you Y/N. We got this." Harry smiled.

You and Harry made your way to the Gryffindor common room in silence. When you walked in you saw Hermione and Ron sitting in front of the fireplace.

"Harry, Y/N!" Hermione said looking at the two of you. "You need to tell us what happened!" She said.

Harry explained everything to them.

"So, you have to compete? There is no going back?" Hermione asked. You shook your head.

"That's not fair." Ron said.

"When is the first task?" Ron asked after a short silence.

"In two weeks already. But they won't tell us what we have to do." You said.

"Well, we will help you find out." Hermione said. "You're not supposed to help us. That's against the rules." Harry said.

"They don't have to see us helping you two. We can do it here in the common room." Ron said. Harry nod his head and stood up.

"I'm going to bed. I have to uh- process- this evening." He said. Without any word he went to his dorm with Ron behind him.

You sighed and leaned back into the couch.

"I don't get it." Hermione said.


"Who could've put yours and Harry's name into the goblet of fire? We need to find out Y/N." She said.

"That's a thing for later. I think we need to find out how I'm not going to die in the first task for now." You said. "Yeah, you're right." Hermione said, her voice more like a whisper.

"I'm going to bed." Hermione said standing up. "You're coming with me to our dorm?"

You shook your head lightly. "I'll come in a couple minutes. I just- I want to be alone for a second." You said. Hermione gave you an understanding smile and walked up to the girls dorm.

You laid your head back against the couch and closed your eyes. All kind of thoughts were going through your head.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a distanced voice.

"Just open already, for god's sake."

You stood up walking to the door of the common room and opened it.

"Draco?" You furrowed your brows at the boy standing in front of you. "What are you doing here? It's past curfew already." You said.

"Well, I just came to ask you something." Draco said calmly.

"Go on." You said.

"Do you want to be dead by the end of this year or something?" His voice now wasn't calm anymore. "You're fucking insane for putting your name into the goblet, Y/N. Why did you even do it?" Draco said.

"I- I didn't put my name in it." You said.

"You didn't?" He looked confused.

You shook your head. "Then who did?" Draco asked. "I wish I knew." You sighed.

"I'm scared, Draco." You whispered.

You felt tears welling up. Tears that you have been trying to hold back the whole evening but now you couldn't hold them back anymore.

"Hey, it's okay." Draco said, wrapping his arms around you. "Look at you Y/N, you're a strong wizard. You'll be fine." Draco said looking back at you. "And if you ever need help with something, I'm here for you." He said, laying his hand on your shoulder.

"Thank you, Draco." You said giving him a weak smile.

"You should get some sleep." Draco said after a short silence. You nod your head.

"See you tomorrow?" You said.

"Ofcourse, goodnight Y/N." Draco said.


You closed the door and made you're way up to the girls dorm. Once you entered you saw Hermione has already fallen asleep. You changed into your pajamas and laid down on your bed, closing your eyes.


It was dark. You couldn't see where you were. You looked around but didn't find any familiar things until you heard a familiar voice, screaming. It sounded like Harry. As you were trying to look around a green light flew your way, hitting something behind you. Again you heard Harry scream. As you were walking around you suddenly saw your dad's face. "Good to see you again, my daughter." Also Lucius' stood next to your dad. "Where am I?" You asked. Your dad started laughing. Not a cheerful laugh, more like an evil laugh. "Oh dear." He said. "I guess you'll find out soon enough." After his words left his mouth you felt great pain through your entire body.


Your eyes jumped open. You woke up sweating and breathing heavy.

"Y/N, are you okay?"

Your eyes met Hermione who was looking at you in shock. You shook your head lightly.

"Just a bed dream I guess. Nothing to worry about." You lied as you laid back down on your bed.

What kind of dream was this? It all seemed so... real.

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