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You were walking to the quidditch pitch together with Moody and the four other champions. Today it would be happening, the last task. You were really excited for all of this to be finally over.

As you walked onto the pitch you saw that the stands were already full, people cheering loudly.

You noticed Hermione and Ron giving thumbs up to you and Harry. "You got this!" Hermione shouted.

You looked around the stands, meeting eyes with Blaise. "Good luck, Y/N!" He shouted, waving at you. You waved back at him, a smile on your face.

You were looking for Draco when you suddenly felt someone grabbing your wrist. The person dragged you with him. As you noticed it was Draco you gave him a smile.

He wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tight. "Good luck, darling." He said, putting a kiss on your lips. "Watch out for yourself and please be careful. Don't do anything stupid." Draco said.

You gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. "I'll be okay. Don't act like I'm going to die or something." You said, a small laugh leaving your mouth.

Draco gulped as he looked at the maze behind you. "Please just promise me that you will be careful, Y/N." Draco sighed.

You took his hand in yours before you gave it a squeeze. "I will. Don't worry too much, okay?" You smiled at him.

"Alright, I'll try." Draco said nervously. "I'll go sit with Blaise to support you." He smiled. He gave you another kiss before he walked over to the stands.

You walked back to the pitch where the other champions were standing.

"Good afternoon, champions." Dumbledore smiled. "Welcome to the third and final task. As you already know all of you will be entering the maze. In the maze you can come across all kinds of things." He continued. "Your task is to overcome the things in the maze. The first one who will touch the cup will be the Triwizard champion!" Dumbledore said, causing everyone in the stands to cheer loudly.

"Mr. Potter and Mr. Diggory will enter the maze first, since they are both on first place." Dumbledore said. "Followed by miss Y/L/N who is in second place, then Mr. Krum and last but not least miss Delacour. If anything happens in the maze please be aware to send up red sparks so one of the professors can come into the maze and rescue you." He said, looking over At McGonagall and Moody who were standing beside the maze.

"Harry, Cedric, please take your spots."

You looked over at the two of them as they stood in front of the large entrances of the maze. A sharp whistle was blown as everyone started cheering.

"Let the final task begin!" Dumbledore shouted.

Harry looked behind him, his eyes meeting yours.

"You got this." You mouthed at him, causing him to smile. He turned around, walking into the maze as the entrance closed behind him.

"You're up next, miss Y/L/N." Dumbledore said.

You nod your head, also walking over to the entrance. It slowly opened again as you stood in front of it.

"Good luck." Dumbledore said, giving you an encouraging smile.

You took a deep breath before you walked into the maze. As you looked back you saw the entrance slowly closing. After it closed you noticed that all sounds were blocked. There was no cheering and no band playing music anymore.

You took your wand in your hand before you started to make your way through the huge maze. It was really dark.

"Lumos." You mumbled, taking a turn to the right. You heard footsteps behind you, causing you to widen your eyes. As you turned around to look behind you, you saw nothing.

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