Forty five

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have another update because i just finished changing the love interest to arizona in all of the chapters i had wrote before changing it and i am now dying to get everything published so you can all see how much they love each other😩


"Mark Sloan is avoiding me," Erin sat beside Lexie at lunch. "Every time I see him, he runs in the other direction. What the hell is up with everyone today?" she said.

"He's avoiding you?" Lexie said nervously.

"Yeah," Erin said. "Men are pissing me off today. Very much. First, Jesse starts practically asking me to move in with him because he wants me to keep some stuff at his place because apparently seeing Derek's penis in the bathroom is too much for him! And now Mark's avoiding me, when all I really want to do is rant to my friend about Derek's penis and Jesse's issues with it," Erin said. Lexie stared at her with wide eyes.

"I think Derek's penis was mentioned too many times there," someone said. Erin turned, grinning when she saw Levi stood there.

"You're just jealous that he isn't gay," Erin said.

"I might not be Mark but you can tell me about Derek's penis and Jesse's issues with it," he said.

"Let's go," Erin grabbed his hand and he pulled her up. "See you, Lex," she said.

"Bye," Lexie said.

They left the cafeteria and headed outside, sitting on one of the benches. They lit up cigarettes, staring at the cars as they drove by.

"So, Jesse," he said.

"He thinks my house is a frat house. There's too many people living there, apparently. He grew up with four sisters, my house should be nothing!" Erin said. Levi snorted.

"So, there's Alex, who eats everything in sight. Izzie, who apparently decides masturbation is appropriate at three in the morning. Meredith and Derek, both of whom I adore but both of whom I hate because I want to be Meredith and I also want to be Derek. Their hair, it's just amazing. Their kids are going to be blessed. It's a frat house," he said.

"It's a cool house. I love living there," Erin whined.

"He's not asking you to move in with him, Er. He's asking you if you guys can stay at his place a few nights a week because he's sick of walking in on Derek's penis in the bathroom. For a straight guy, that's pretty weird, but you're used to it. He isn't," he said.

"We aren't even together, Levi. That's the thing. We're friends and sex, that's it, and now he wants me to meet his ex lesbian wife, his nieces and nephews and bake bread with his mom! I cannot do that," Erin said.

"Why not?" Levi said.

"Because I'm a fuck up. That's why. I'm screwed up and he's Mary fucking Poppins being so perfect and I'm gonna screw him up and ruin his life," Erin said.

"Well, forget about that for a minute. Do you like him?" he said.

"Yeah. He's pretty and the sex is good and he's nice," Erin said.

"Then start small. Work your way up. Tell him you want to go slow. He wanted a relationship and he compromised for friends and sex because he really likes you. He compromised. Compromise back," he said. Erin sighed and pulled out her phone. She clicked Jesse's name and held it to her ear.

"Hello?" he said.

"Uh, hey, Jesse. It's me," Erin said.

"I have caller ID," he chuckled. "What's up? You're working," he said. Erin looked at Levi and he nodded.

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